My Mandate on Creating Prosperity for the World

Victor Oribamise
4 min readSep 25, 2023



In an era marked by global interconnectedness and astounding technological advancements, it is both a moral imperative and an achievable goal to ensure that every individual on this planet has access to the resources required for a dignified existence. The belief that every human is entitled by birthright to a share of the Earth’s produce sufficient to fulfill the basic needs of their existence serves as the foundation of my mandate on creating prosperity for the world. I am resolutely committed to the idea that there is an abundance of resources in this world for everyone to live a life of comfort and fulfillment. This essay explores my fervent desire to eliminate poverty, uplift humanity, and bring about a prosperous world for all, driven by a profound sense of purpose I believe is conferred by the gods 😃.

A screenshot of my tweet.

The Birthright of Prosperity

At the core of my mandate lies the belief that prosperity is not a privilege reserved for a select few, but rather, a birthright that every individual inherits simply by virtue of being born on this planet. The Earth, with its vast resources and capacity for regeneration, can provide for all of humanity’s needs. This fundamental idea, deeply rooted in the human spirit, has the power to transform the world when embraced collectively.

A screenshot of my tweet

The Abundance of Resources

It is undeniable that our world is abundant with resources. From fertile lands capable of producing bountiful harvests to boundless energy sources like sunlight and wind, the Earth provides us with the means to create prosperity. In a world where food is wasted while people go hungry, where technology can improve the lives of millions, and where wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few, it is clear that our challenge is not one of scarcity but of equitable distribution.

A screenshot of my tweet

The Call to Action

My mandate on creating prosperity for the world is not a mere aspiration; it is a call to action, driven by an unwavering sense of purpose. I firmly believe that I am entrusted with a divine mission, bestowed upon me by the gods themselves. This mandate is not just about helping those in need; it is about reshaping the very fabric of society to ensure that prosperity is not an elusive dream but a tangible reality for all.

A screenshot of my tweet

Eliminating Poverty

The scourge of poverty, with its devastating consequences on human lives, is a challenge that must be met head-on. My mandate entails creating comprehensive solutions that tackle the root causes of poverty, from improving access to education and healthcare to promoting economic opportunities and social equality. By addressing poverty holistically, we can uplift millions from the depths of despair and grant them the chance to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives.

Embracing Innovation

To fulfill my mandate, I recognize the importance of innovation and technology (I am a technologist i.e. a Tech Pastor/Evangelist, I am building Kquika into a global company). Embracing cutting-edge advancements can unlock new avenues for prosperity. From sustainable agriculture practices that can feed a growing global population to renewable energy solutions that can power our world without depleting finite resources, innovation is the key to sustainable and equitable growth.

Building a Global Community

Creating prosperity for the world necessitates a global community working together. My mandate extends beyond borders and transcends the limitations of nationality or ethnicity. It calls for solidarity and cooperation on a global scale. By uniting as a human family, we can pool our collective resources and knowledge to eradicate poverty and uplift humanity.


In conclusion, my mandate on creating prosperity for the world is not merely a lofty ideal; it is a profound calling rooted in the belief that every human being is entitled to a life of dignity and abundance. The resources are available, the technology is at our fingertips, and the moral imperative is clear. With the divine mission entrusted to me and the unwavering support of those who share this vision, we can transform our world into a place where poverty is eradicated, where opportunity is abundant, and where prosperity is the birthright of every individual. Together, we can create a prosperous world for all, fulfilling the mandate bestowed upon us by the gods and embracing the limitless potential of humanity.



Victor Oribamise

I write and read but also building a Tech startup @KquikaInc