Danger Zone: Training AI on AI-Generated Data

Victor Gevers
3 min readJust now


A groundbreaking study published in Nature has unveiled a critical vulnerability in the development of artificial intelligence models.

Researchers have discovered that when AI models are trained on data generated by other AI models, a phenomenon known as “model collapse” can occur. This process leads to a significant degradation in model performance, as the models increasingly produce repetitive and inaccurate outputs.

Photo by Erica Nilsson on Unsplash

To illustrate this concept, consider the children’s game of telephone. As a message is passed along a chain of people, it becomes increasingly distorted until it bears little resemblance to the original. Similarly, when AI models are trained on data generated by other AI models, the information becomes progressively degraded, leading to a breakdown in the model’s ability to produce accurate and reliable results.

Photo by Nguyễn Phúc on Unsplash

Imagine you’re playing telephone. You whisper a secret to your friend, who whispers it to the next person, and so on. By the end, the secret is entirely different!

The study’s findings reveal that as AI models are successively trained on data generated by their predecessors, they develop a tendency to converge on a limited set of patterns. This results in a loss of diversity and a diminished ability to capture complex and nuanced information. The implications of this research are profound, as it highlights the potential risks of overreliance on AI-generated data for model development.

Imagine AI models as YouTube content creators.

If these creators only watched and copied videos from other creators who have a similar style, their content would start to look really similar. They’d all use the same kind of jokes, the same editing styles, and miss out on new trends or ideas.

AI’s creative block
That’s what’s happening with AI models. When they’re only trained on data created by other AI models, they become less creative and original. They start to copy each other instead of coming up with fresh stuff. This means they might miss important details or information, and their output could be less accurate.

The consequences of model collapse are particularly concerning in fields that rely heavily on precise and detailed data, such as healthcare and scientific research. Inaccurate AI models could lead to misdiagnoses, erroneous scientific conclusions, and other harmful outcomes.

Experts emphasize the importance of continuing to rely on human-generated data for training AI models to mitigate the risks associated with model collapse. By incorporating real-world data, developers can ensure that AI systems maintain their ability to learn and adapt to new information, preventing the deterioration of model performance over time.

“AI models need a steady diet of real-world data to thrive. Overreliance on AI-generated information can lead to a dangerous echo chamber, stifling innovation and accuracy.”

As AI technology continues to advance, it is essential to address the challenges posed by model collapse. By understanding the underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon, researchers can develop strategies to safeguard the reliability and effectiveness of AI models in the future.

Source: AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data | Nature



Victor Gevers

Hacker (https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/88/). Co-founder of the GDI Foundation, DIVD and CSIRT.global Innovation manager at the Dutch Government.