Tweeting from your favorite text editor, Uhh! VS CODE TWEET

Victor Aremu
3 min readFeb 20, 2019


When I am coding with my favorite code editor — Visual Studio Code. I always find my self switching between, VSCode and a Twitter browser tab tweeting, can’t I tweet directly from VSCode? I said to myself. Damn it, can’t something be done? Looked for existing extensions, none seemed suitable. This leads me to the development of the extension.

VSCode Tweet

VS Code Tweet — Is a twitter client one click away at your VS CODE activity bar.

VSCode Tweet demo

How To Set Up

Step 1

Open VS Code and hit CTRL + SHIFT + X to open the extensions and search for vscode tweet. Then install and reload.

VSCode Tweet — Marketplace

You can also download the extension here Download VSCode Tweet

Step 2

After a successful install, you need to head on to If you don’t have a Twitter developer account, you have to create one. If you have, just sign in and proceed to create a new Twitter App.

Create a new Twitter App

Fill in the required fields.

NOTE: Disable Enable Sign In with Twitter

Fill in the necessary details.
Fill in the necessary details.
Fill in the necessary details.

Check to verify if the App Permissions are set to read and write.

Goto Keys and Tokens tab under the Access token & access token secret, click the create button to generate new access tokens.

Create an Access Token

Copy and note down the following:

  • Consumer API Keys
  • Consumer API Screct
  • Access Token
  • Access Token Screct
Copy and note down the API keys.

Step 3

Open up VS CODE, at first install, VS CODE Tweet should automatically prompt you to set up Twitter API credential, Click on Set Up Credentials button on the modal. Ethier ways, you can navigate to set up the credentials like this.

Set up Twitter API credentials in VS CODE

Step 4

After setting up the credentials. You have to reload VSCODE for the API keys configuration to be fully applied! To easily do this is just to click the Reload VSCODE Tweet Button under the SETTINGS view of VS CODE TWEET activity view (sidebar).

If you have bound a key combination to reload VS CODE, you can also use the key combo to reload VS CODE.


Open the command palette “ (Ctrl + Shift + P)” and execute the command:

>Reload Window

And We Are Done :-)

Yes, we are done! Just click the twitter icon at the sidebar and enjoy. Don’t forget to share, rate the extension and contribute to making it better :)

Successfully setup vs code tweet!



Victor Aremu

👋 Hello, I’m a polyglot developer & designer; Artisan of logic and pixels