Victor Blomberg
3 min readAug 21, 2015

For the past few years, I’ve talked myself out of becoming a developer even though I really wanted to be one. I wanted to be able to build my ideas from scratch. But something changed after reading Pieter Levels blog; I convinced myself to leave Sweden and all the distractions and temptations to get a fresh start in Asia. I have now been in Asia since April and learned the fundamentals of the programming language Ruby On Rails.

Improving my knowledge

Now I really need to improve my knowledge in the language of Ruby On Rails. So I thought it would be a great idea to have a goal that really challenged me. That’s why I’m launching 6 websites in 6 months. I want to become a better developer in the process of building real-world applications.

Don’t wish it was easier wish you were better. -Jim Rohn

How will this work?

I will from now on launch one website every month until the end of January. The websites might not be world-changing applications but they will have a unique spot in the marketplace. We all have to start somewhere, right? I will write one article every month about the website I’m launching. I will have weekly progress threads on my twitter page(This will keep me accountable).

This challenge will help me beat procrastination and make me a better developer; which is my main goal. I really believe that if you set a goal and tell the world, it will force you to make it happen.

“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.” — Scott Belsky

Why not start this challenge right away.

#1 Randomresources.co

This website came out of my entrepreneurial curiosity and my love of learning. I have always searched for the best tools to use and blogs to read. This website helps entrepreneurs find awesome content and resources around the web. I have selected 8 different categories and over 1000 resources. I truly believe that you will find the website interesting and hopefully find a bunch of good resources.

On the first page; the website randomly chose 14 different resources from the database. If you looking for something more precise then you can just pick a category on the right side in the header(menu icon).

#2 Codebootcamp.co

You want to learn how to code, but don’t know where to start? Maybe a code Boot camp can be something for you. I have put together a website that helps you find the best Boot camp that fits your needs.

If you find this interesting, please click the recommend button!

If you interested in this project, you can follow me on Twitter for updates — @blombergvictor. I will try to update at least a few times a week. Also, if you have any ideas, suggestions, or questions, feel free to tweet at me!

