A few lessons about love

Your love should not be measured by a debit and credit model.

Victor Falquer
2 min readDec 20, 2017

It must be real and authentic, without the expectation of getting it back. If you do anything waiting for a payment of some kind, then you're not giving love, you're trying to buy it, and the probable outcome is heartbreak and pain.

Real love is kind and gentle. It is never demanding. It gives, never takes. It overflows from you, and remind others of their own self worth.

It doesn't mean that you won't get hurt when you truly love someone. You might even make acts that may seem like sacrifice to others, but you won't mind, and maybe you won't even notice, because it came from the heart. The pain will be too small in comparison to the joy and happiness.

Still, love does not mean self harm. If you are hurting yourself in order to give other people love, then you are probably not doing it right. The same is valid if you are relying on others to get it. If you feel like it's causing more pain than joy, take a few steps back, because there's probably something you are not noticing.

Love is also patient, but it doesn't mean that you should wait forever. Sometimes moving forward is an act of self love, of respecting yourself. Let go if it's not right for you, and don't torture yourself any longer.

Even when they hate you or don’t understand your actions, keep loving them if you want to. Love them silently. Love them in your thoughts, love them by giving space. Love without pressure.

Real love doesn’t judge either. It doesn’t care who they are, and you will just know that they deserve your compassion and kindness. It seeks understanding, not conflict.

Instead of harboring anger, keep only love. Yes, it is that simple. It’s always simple, even when it’s hard. Spread your love wherever you go, and be there for those who need it the most - even if that someone is you.



Victor Falquer

Writer, economist, data scientist wannabe and then some