Got Writer’s Block? ChatGPT Can Help

Victor R. Ocampo
4 min readApr 21, 2023


“The scariest moment is always just before you start.” - Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

For the second time in the last four months, I found I failed to finish any new pieces of fiction for a full five weeks.

The short answer?

Life got in the way. (Consultancy work and Medium articles are pesky things, let alone family and social commitments.)

The honest answer?

Too many ideas. So many ideas, that I’m unsure where I want my writing to go.

As a writer, you may sometimes find yourself staring at a blank page or struggling to put your thoughts into words. This is called writer’s block and every writer gets it from time to time. Fortunately, ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI, can be an excellent resource to help you overcome it. In this article, we’ll explore twelve ways in which ChatGPT can help you overcome writer’s block and become more productive.

1. Brainstorming ideas: ChatGPT can help you generate a list of potential ideas for your writing project. Simply ask ChatGPT to provide you with ideas related to your topic, and it will offer a range of suggestions.

2. Outlining your writing: ChatGPT can also help you create an outline for your writing project. Give it a general idea of what you want to write about, and it will suggest a structure to follow, including an introduction, main points, and a conclusion.

3. Expanding on ideas: If you have an idea for your writing, but you’re not sure how to develop it further, ChatGPT can provide you with additional information and details to help you flesh out your idea.

4. Providing writing prompts: If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, ChatGPT can suggest writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing. These prompts can be based on a range of topics and can help you generate fresh ideas.

5. Offering feedback: ChatGPT can review your work and offer constructive feedback. It can suggest changes to sentence structure, grammar, and tone to help improve your writing.

6. Researching topics: If you need to research a particular topic for your writing, ChatGPT can help by providing you with relevant information and sources.

7. Providing inspiration: Sometimes, all you need is a little inspiration to get your writing flowing. ChatGPT can provide you with quotes, stories, and other inspiring content to help you get started.

8. Generating titles: A great title can be a powerful tool for attracting readers. ChatGPT can suggest a range of titles based on your writing project and can help you find the perfect one.

9. Offering unusual perspectives: Sometimes, the best way to overcome writer’s block is to approach your writing from a different perspective. ChatGPT can offer unusual viewpoints and approaches to help you think outside the box.

10. Creating characters and scenarios: If you’re a fiction writer, ChatGPT can help you create characters, scenarios, and other elements of your story. You can ask it to provide you with details about a character’s background, personality, and motivations.

11. ChatGPT can provide you with word associations to help spark your creativity. You can give it a word, and it will suggest other words and ideas that are associated with it. For example, if you give it the word “ocean,” it may suggest “waves,” “seagulls,” “boats,” and “beaches.”

12. ChatGPT can help you create poetry by providing you with rhyming words and phrases. You can give it a word or phrase, and it will suggest other words that rhyme with it. This can be a fun and creative way to overcome writer’s block and write poetry.

ChatGPT can be helpful to writers in a variety of ways. It can be used to generate writing prompts, provide suggestions for plot twists or character development, offer feedback on writing style and grammar, and even assist in the writing process itself by suggesting words or phrases to use. Additionally, ChatGPT can be a valuable research tool, capable of quickly gathering information on a wide range of topics that writers may need to explore in order to create a more accurate or compelling narrative. Overall, ChatGPT can save writers time and effort by providing a wealth of resources and ideas at their fingertips.

“Writing about a writer’s block is better than not writing at all.” ― Charles Bukowski

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Victor R. Ocampo

Dad. Husband. Author. Technology Consultant. Writes from the intersection of emerging technologies and Speculative Fiction.