Malassezia folliculitis

Victoria Essentials
2 min readJan 30, 2021

Malassezia folliculitis, commonly known as Fungal Acne is a type of acne that appears like tiny bumps all over the forehead, cheekbone, jawline, the chest, and the back. It somewhat resembles pimples but entirely different from pimples because it doesn't appear as a comedone i.e 'head'. Most of the people who suffer from fungal acne usually also have dandruff. It is called "Fungal Acne" because it is caused by fungus growth on hair follicles which extends its base to the skin area if not properly treated.

You know you are dealing with Fungal Acne if you have used all medications targeted at improving pimples but still not giving you positive results. I have had this experience before and i can bodly tell you, it wasn't a funny one. It took me 8 months to clear out my skin. Once i knew the cause, i was able to successfully win the battle.

Now lets take a look at the causes of Fungal Acne.


Excess Sebum and moisture.

Yes. Excess sebum(skin oil) and moisture. Fungal thrives well on Humid and oily skin. The more oil your skin produces plus the fact that you sweat a lot or your skin is always wet, gives fungal acne just the perfect environment to extend its base.

Skincare Product Ingredients.

Trust me when i tell you this, skincare product ingredient could be one of the major reason your fungal acne ain’t improving. There are certain ingredient list in your skin or haircare product that you need to ditch right away. These ingredients create the perfect environment for fungal acne to dwell. Now you may be wondering, how am i supposed to know what ingredient my skin product contains that makes it impossible to kill the growth of fungal acne. Its easy, i mean i’ll make it easy. You can click on this link google search the ingredient list of your current skin or haircare product, copy the list and paste on the search box you find on the link provided. Once you do this, you will be able to determine the red signal that causes your acne to get worse.

I hope that you find this information useful. Please leave a comment on the comment section below. I read them all and reply accordingly.

My next write-up will be about Treatment of Fungal Acne. To stay notified when my article drops, please click on the follow button.




Victoria Essentials

A Skin and Haircare Enthusiast | A teacher | Content Writer.