vietnam football on the way to recover the glory
Vietnam football was the champion of the AFF Cup in 2018 — Photo by Newszing.

Why does Vietnam football take such an important role to the local fans?

Victoria J. George
5 min readOct 8, 2019

You might have seen so many pictures that the Vietnamese take to the streets to celebrate the Vietnam football victories these years. They bring national flags to cover all the streets with red. They make the street storm legally. They cheer anyone they see on the streets. Those days are like the national festival day. Why do the Vietnamese spend such a huge love for football? Let’s discover the reason in this article.

If you do not know, 2018 is the most successful year of Vietnam football when they recovered their glory in the Asian soccer playground. There have been so many times the Vietnamese took to the streets to celebrate their victory. Most of the foreigners when seeing that activity were shock since even there are so many countries in the world that their citizens get crazy about football but they have never seen that way of the victory celebration.

vietnam football on the way to recover the glory
The Vietnamese national football team — Photo by Newszing.

Where did the Vietnam football pride come from?

The Vietnamese have neither a developed economy nor a high life standard, but they can postpone every task they are doing to watch a match of the national football team. It has been a traditional pride in the country since the 1990s.

Vietnam football appeared the first time when this country was under the colonialism of the French. The French brought football to Vietnam as a way to entertain their generals and soldiers. At first, football was for the French army, Vietnamese businessman, and public servants. After a time, the locals saw it interesting and they played it publically. Since then, football has become a popular sport in Vietnam.

vietnam football on the way to recover the glory
The Vietnam national football team in the 1990s — Photo by Nguyen Nguyen.

However, until the 1990s when Vietnam football marked its name in the area with SEA Games, the Vietnamese started their huge love for this sport. Especially, in 1995 when the Vietnamese national football team gained the silver medal. It was the biggest achievement of them until that time. To celebrate that victory, people did take to the streets to share happiness together. It can say that the special footballing victory celebration of Vietnam is a national tradition.

Since Vietnam has never been a well-developed country, the entertainment types are not diversified. They only knew music and drink. As a result, when football appeared first time in the country, it attracted the curiousness of the locals. It is the basis of the immortal national pride name Vietnam football.

vietnam football on the way to recover the glory
The victory celebration for AFF Cup Champion which was held in My Dinh Stadium in 2018 — Photo by Newszing.

The journey of recovering Vietnam football glory

Even Vietnam football has gained some successes in Southeast Asia from 1995 to 2008, it could not maintain the glory longer. Since 2009, the Vietnam football fans could not find the fiery matches which come from their national football team. Their football pride has faded from then. Vietnam football fans have to wait for a very long time to see the national football glory return.

And their hope was responded. In 2018, the Vietnam football team made a miracle when they achieved the second-best team reward in the U23 Asian Cup which was held in China. There were not only Vietnamese fans but also the other Asian countries shocked by what the Vietnamese football team has done in that championship. They were from the no-named to the famous team and became a phenomenon in that year. It was the very initial strong step for the team to move forward to the bigger championships later. And they did not make their Vietnam football fans disappointed. In the same year, they became the champion of the AFF Cup which is a dream that none of the Vietnamese ever think of. Since then, there are so many soccer players in the national team were invited to join the famous soccer clubs in the world.

vietnam football on the way to recover the glory
People take to the streets to celebrate the victory of Vietnam football — Photo by Newszing.

Currently, the Vietnam football team is playing for the 2022 World Cup Qualification. The Vietnamese football fans are full of hope that their national team will be successful to go straight to the official 2022 World Cup. It is not a non-sense hope. The Vietnam national football team now are led by Park Hang Seo who is the hero of the locals. With only one year coaching the national team, he has changed the situation. It does not mention his modern and effective strategy that he gives the national team, he asks his students to play politely. That is the reason why the Vietnam football team always play fairly and politely. That what makes the Vietnamese fans love him and see him as a hero who brings their glory back.

Park Hand Seo — The coach of the Vietnam national football team and the hero of the locals these years.

If you are in Vietnam this time, do not forget to enjoy this experience. The 2022 World Cup Qualification is still continuing. It is also the time when the Vietnamese footballing pride is at its peak. Get ready to choose a good spot to watch football matches with the locals, prepare a good bike and take to the streets to join the victory celebration with them. You will not have the second chance for this special celebration style since the Vietnamese cannot be sure how long they can maintain this glorious time.

