How to Get Through Cold and Flu Season

Victoria H
5 min readOct 7, 2019

No one looks forward to the cold and flu season.

Runny noses, itchy eyes, and scratchy throats cause missed days of work and school.

Plus, usually, the flu comes at a time when you’re not prepared to be sick.

Here are my tips for getting through the cold and flu season and even how to avoid getting sick altogether.

Stock up on essential cold and flu season supplies early

As soon as back to school season begins I recommend stocking up on essential cold and flu supplies.

The first reason I recommend doing this is that you can find some great deals on things such as hand sanitizer and tissues. The second reason I recommend this is because you’ll be able to handle any germs that the kids may pick up at school quickly as well.

Recommended Cold and Flu Season Supplies

The basic cold and flu season supplies you should stock up on include:

  • Hand sanitizer
  • Daytime and night time cold medicines
  • Nasal spray
  • Facial tissue
  • Toilet tissue
  • Cough and throat drops
  • Vapor rub



Victoria H

Freelance writer by day. Lifestyle blogger by night. Dabbles in multiple income streams and always learning new skills.