Weight Loss Mistakes That Hinder Progress

Victoria H
7 min readNov 11, 2019

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

You’ve tried everything.

From drinking tablespoons of vinegar before each meal to YouTube workouts that you were sure would show results in 2 weeks or less.

But nothing seems to work.

I’ve been down that road… and while I know everyone’s weight loss journey will be different if you’re not seeing progress with your weight loss or have hit a plateau, you’re probably making one of these mistakes that are hindering your progress.

Read Also: These Are The Three Things to Focus on When Trying to Lose Weight

Eating Too Many Calories Or Not Enough

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

I know there are people who have experienced remarkable results without counting calories. However, if you’ve changed your diet and have been exercising consistently but aren’t seeing any results, you’re probably eating too many calories or not enough.

Starting to count calories could be that boost you need to kickstart your weight loss results again.



Victoria H

Freelance writer by day. Lifestyle blogger by night. Dabbles in multiple income streams and always learning new skills.