Pornstar Martini — How to Drink a Pornstar Martini

Victoria Davis
4 min readFeb 8, 2024

The Pornstar Martini is a delectable passion fruit cocktail, garnished with half a piece of fresh passion fruit and served in a shot glass of Prosecco. A charismatic rockstar of cocktails!

Douglas Ankrah created this bubbly drink, known as the ‘Pornstar’ due to its similarity to something porn stars would order, in his kitchen in England. Now an absolute UK classic and ideal for romantic celebrations.

1. Vanilla Vodka

The Porn Star Martini is one of the UK’s most beloved cocktails. A blend of vodka, passion fruit juice and vanilla syrup gives this refreshing drink its tropical flair, perfect for celebrating special events or romantic dates! Don’t hesitate to add this delightful drink to your next celebration or romantic date.

Douglas Ankrah of London’s LAB bar first created this drink and initially called it Maverick Martini after frequenting Maverick Club in Cape Town; later changing to reflect its playful flavor profile and daring look; however now commonly referred to as Porn Star Martini!

This cocktail is a spinoff on the classic martini and offers an exciting alternative to your standard glass of gin. Instead of featuring traditional garnishes of gin and vermouth, this beverage features sparkling wine as its sidecar — giving your beverage extra sparkle!

To create this drink, combine all of the ingredients in a shaker with ice and shake well until everything is mixed together. Strain into a martini glass and garnish with half of a fresh passion fruit slice before pairing with Prosecco sidecar. Enjoy this wonderful cocktail experience.

Some prefer savoring their Porn Star Martinis by scooping out its passion fruit garnish and eating it between each sip, while others might opt to just bite into it straight and drink the cocktail afterwards. Either way, this delectable and refreshing cocktail is sure to please! The Porn Star Martini makes an exceptional cocktail choice perfect for any celebration or special event!

2. Passion Fruit Liqueur

The Porn Star Martini offers an alluring blend of tropical flavors that make it the ideal drink to sip with friends. Its exquisite vanilla vodka base and vibrant passion fruit flavor dance across your tongue while Monin Premium Passion Fruit Syrup adds an extra sweet note.

Prosecco adds the perfect touch of elegance to this martini cocktail, providing the ideal sidecar. Some drinkers may opt to quickly down the Prosecco at once while others use it as chaser between sips — the choice is entirely yours!

Douglas Ankrah first created the Porn Star Martini at a London bar in the early 2000s. Its playful name refers to adult entertainment stars, invoking feelings of seduction and indulgence. This crowd-pleasing beverage consists of vanilla vodka, passion fruit nectar and lime juice mixed together and served alongside a shot of Prosecco for additional refreshment.

This bubbly cocktail is perfect for romantic evenings and special events, and can easily be prepared at home with just three ingredients — SKYY vanilla vodka, fresh passion fruit juice and lime juice, plus a cocktail shaker. Finally, for an added twist add an icy cold Prosecco sidecar for the complete drinking experience!

3. Lime Juice

This unique cocktail features SKYY Vanilla Vodka, passion fruit liqueur and lime juice in a playful combination that makes an eye-catching presentation and is the ideal drink to spice up romantic nights or flirty occasions.

As it’s usually served with fresh, juicy passion fruit slices that perfectly balance out its flavors, a passion fruit martini can also be served with dehydrated blood orange or even lime slices for something less traditional.

Before serving, for optimal results it is recommended that your drink be vigorously shaken with plenty of ice for several minutes, ensuring it has its signature silky texture. In addition, vigorous shaking helps froth up passion fruit liqueur for an eye-catching presentation!

Pornstar martinis are usually served in martini glasses with half of a passion fruit for an added celebratory touch, often alongside a shot of Prosecco to add that extra celebratory touch. They make for the ideal cocktail to mark special events or celebrations and feature both sweet-tart flavors with vodka’s kick plus fizzing Prosecco bubbly bubbles! Unlike standard martinis, however, these unique cocktails do not contain vermouth or gin in their formula!

4. Prosecco

Pornstar martinis are sweet and refreshing beverages perfect for sharing amongst friends or romantic dates. Douglas Ankrah originally created this tasty cocktail and gave it its namesake because he thought the combination of vodka, passion fruit and vanilla flavors reminded him of something pornstars might drink. Since then, this eye-catching drink has become a go-to choice at events!

Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice, and vigorously shake for 20 seconds until well mixed and chilled. Pour the mix into a coupe glass, top with half of a fresh passion fruit slice, and pour one shot of prosecco over top to give extra flair and add even more flavor!

When sipping on a Pornstar Martini, it is important to savor its subtle flavors by sipping slowly while nibbling a fresh passion fruit garnish between each sip — this helps enhance and refresh your palette between each sip! Additionally, for an additional bubbly experience try pairing it with prosecco!

Douglas Ankrah’s video tutorial serves to remind viewers of one cardinal Sin of Pornstar Martini making: adding prosecco directly into the cocktail. This is often done by people unfamiliar with creating this popular cocktail; to avoid this mistake, it is recommended that prosecco be drunk separately before tasting its combination of flavors while enjoying fresh passion fruit garnish as you sip your cocktail.



Victoria Davis

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