Victoria Chidinma Chukwuneke
2 min readJul 29, 2020


If two wrongs don’t make a right, then I believe two rights would make a blessing. How about a wrong and a right? They might make a chance, perhaps a chance for something good.

No rights can be birth forth from wrongdoings. In the same vein, an apple doesn’t fall from a coconut tree. Simply to say, righteousness births righteousness and wrongs birth wrongdoings. However, if perhaps there is a change in the actions of the evil doer to do something right, then the result might be different and vice versa.

There are so many things to complain of, so many wrongs to cry about, so many evil actions done on a daily, and even no chance for righteousness to breathe but it would be sadder to correct the wrongs with more wrongs. You hear people say “if you can’t beat them, join them”. Others even say, ” the only way to get rid of corruption is more corruption “.

There’s only one truth. Every man shall reap what he sows. If you wish to pay back the evil done to you with evil, then remember life eventually gives its own reward. If you want to pay back with good, also remember that your reward first begins here. No two wrongs can make a right.