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5 Ways You Might Be Sabotaging Your Business Success

Victoria Ibukun


“What does it mean to sabotage a business’s success?” you might wonder.
It refers to detrimental actions that stops and reduces the overall achievement of a business’s goals.

You might also say, “there is no way that a business owner who wants to build a profitable money-generating machine would hinder their own business growth.”

Well, it is with utmost sadness that I show you how you may unknowingly sabotage your business despite your best intentions.

Fortunately, like every learned habit, these mistakes can be solved.

I researched and provided you with simple & effective ways to help you eradicate the 5 typical business sabotaging behaviors.

All you have to do is read and take action now!

The 5 common business-sabotaging behaviors and how to solve them are:

1. Not Delegating Tasks

The first way business owners might be injuring their own business future is: not delegating tasks, doing everything by themselves, or not building their business with others.

You are the salesperson, the marketer, the coach, the advisor, the accountant, the deliverer, the content creator, the… Running a business alone hinders productivity and creates unnecessary stress for the mastermind (a.k.a business owner).


Listen, there are thousands of AI (e.g., AI writers and AI arts), professional men & women, and even volunteers that can help grow your business. But you need to have a learning system so that you can carry them along.

In short, learn how to build a business and build it with others. When you build with others, your business will be able to run when you are unavailable (meaning you have more time to chill).

Another solution is hiring products and services. But not just any services. Hire the ones that will give you peace of mind — quality services. This service type is reliable, accurate, up to date, offers a tailored solution, and so much more.

(If you don’t know, successful businesses use quality services that improve as time goes on.)

Photo by Kendal on Unsplash

2. Failure to Study and Adapt to Changing Market

Do you know that one of the quickest ways to terminate a business’s existence is by failing to study and adapt to changing markets i.e., using outdated information?

Okay, imagine seeing someone adamant about walking around with sewn leaves covering their private areas.

Laughable, right?

You can’t even see them because they would be taken to the maniac hospital pronto, never to live like normal people again. It is true that leaves could cover our bodies. But it is also true that clothes are available!


How, then, do you update your information? There are thousands of plausible ideas on how to update. My idea is to document your own business data for future study and comparison with your competitor’s data and industry trends.

I am sure some of these ideas have worked for you. Let me know which and how the idea helped your business in the comment section.

3. Lack of Financial Productivity

You need a financial productivity plan to help you know when you are making the wrong financial decisions and avoid negatively moving away from your profit goals.

It is one thing to know how much you want to profit and another to understand your profit goals (financial goals). And understanding is a step further than knowing. If the mastermind of a business doesn’t understand the business finances, it could run at a loss.


In other words, lack of understanding = no more business. To avoid causing your business downfall, consider having a clear financial strategy, such as financial management and productivity.

A financial productivity plan called ‘financial productivity measures’ in this blog is important because it ensures you achieve your desired financial goals.

It achieves this goal by measuring the total inputs (investments) and total outputs of your resources to motivate financial understanding.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

4. Neglecting Customer Satisfaction

Have you ever noticed how your customers behave when you listen to them? Well, I have.

I used to sell eggs for a farm (full-time) and noticed that the customers loved to talk. When I listened, smiled, and still supplied their orders fast, they were eager to return, paying without arguments.

Of course, they were other things that worked.

But this listening approach was number 1 for successful sales. On the days I didn’t use this unique approach, they, too, felt like complaining about everything!

The lesson from this story is to create your unique selling approach.

5. Using Generic Advises/Strategies

You might have heard them telling you to improve your content generation and production skills, become faster at replying customers & maintaining existing clients, and so much more generic advice in correcting your mistakes.

But did anyone tell you that using generic advice/strategies is also a huge mistake that sabotages several businesses’ success?


Building a satisfying, profitable business goes beyond practicing these generic strategies.

It also involves activities that secure your business’s future through various content customized for “your brand.”

This personalized content also helps your business goals by

  • Passively persuading your target audience to purchase your products/services
  • Building a loyal and profitable customer-business relationship and so much more benefits.

The best way to earn these customized plans is by buying quality products/services made by men (human beings). This way, you can be sure that you are practicing advice that were tailored to solve your brand problems.

My Parting Words

Realizing activities detrimental to a business is the first step toward building a successful business. I understand that I might not have stated your specific mistake. In that case, my email and comment section are open.

I and other industry leaders will try our best to give you a solution based on your complaints. Meanwhile, you can always use the 5 solutions provided here. They are:

  • Hire quality services.
  • Document your business and competitor’s data to study trends in your industry market productively.
  • Understand your business goals by having a financial productivity plan.
  • Observe and study your customer behavior.
  • Incorporate advice that was produced for your specific business.



Victoria Ibukun

Writing my best as a Website, social media, and Medium Writer. Hire my services via