The 2 Best Mindsets That Can Help You Instantly Uplevel Your Business

Victoria Ibukun
3 min readAug 29, 2023
Business uplevel mindset
Photo by Charles Forerunner on Unsplash

Your business success ratio depends on your mindset.

Illustration: Mr. A saw and politely accepted an offer to help him write his social media and website content.

He accepted because he had the right mindset, saw the benefits and can now spend his time making other decisions, going about his day, resting, and still making money.

Then, there is Mr. B.

He was offered the same proposal but didn’t accept. Instead, he does everything himself, becomes overwhelmed and burned out.

Which one of these Mr. are you?

How quickly do you make proactive decisions when you encounter opportunities?

You can only make proactive decisions if you’ve cultivated the right mindset.

Firstly, What is Mindset?

The above-described actions explain part of what mindset is. Mindset is actually the way and attitude with which you respond to, approach, and interpret situations or issues.

Here are the 2 best mindsets for self-motivated and high-value entrepreneurs

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset

This mindset is self-explanatory. It involves approaching situations by using the traits of an ideal entrepreneur: good decision-making, saving, innovation, and persistence skills.

It works best for self-motivated individuals who know to identify when the necessity for adapting arrives and are able to adapt on time. Mr. A, the man who accepted help is a good example of someone with an entrepreneurial mindset.

Likewise, it can help businesses uplevel by ensuring the business achieves the best possible maximum profits through the entrepreneurial economic way of thinking.

  • Mindful Mindset

A mindful mindset is experiencing situations using your honest thoughts and feelings with the sole aim of judging from a calm place. It means to be fully present.

It works best for high-value entrepreneurs who have or are honing their feminine energy –an intuitive, nurturing behavior. Because Mr. A has more time to himself, he possesses a mindful mindset too.

It can help businesses level up by deeply connecting you to the emotions of your customers/clients so that they can start selling memorable solutions.

My Parting Words

As you navigate the intricacies of your career/business, permit these two mindsets, especially the entrepreneurial mindset to help you grow faster than you are now.

Other types of mindsets I recommend you embody include positive mindset, growth mindset, peaceful mindset, and happy mindset.

The mindsets you must avoid are negative mindsets and fearful mindsets.

Hey, thank you for reading this post. If you would like to further chats about this topic, leave your thoughts in the comments section below. Let’s talk.

Cheers to your future and I hope your determination to succeed increases too.



Victoria Ibukun

Writing my best as a Website, social media, and Medium Writer. Hire my services via