Victoria Lamb Hatch
2 min readOct 14, 2016


“Dont you have it backwards that the state is forcing their athiest views on christians by condoning same sex marriages, which the Lord God has forbidden”

See, this is what I mean when I say you force your religious views on others. If you don’t believe in gay marriage, don’t get gay married. But you have no right to tell everyone else what they can’t do. Let me put it in terms you might understand. A Muslim doesn’t eat pork. To a Muslim that’s forbidden. Would you be OK with a Muslim telling you that you’re not allowed to eat bacon? Or sausage? Or ham? Because he believes that his religion should be imposed on laws that everyone must adhere to? No, you wouldn’t like that? Then why do you think you have the right to tell another couple if they can marry or not? It’s not like they’re trying to marry in your church, where the people of your congregation DO get to make the rules.

“the same with abortions, to kill the child within the womb is an athiest agenda”

Please point to where in the Bible Jesus condemned abortion. For that matter, point to where God condemned abortion. The only references in the Bible to abortion is where God condoned it. If you don’t like abortion, fine, but at least admit that the reason you don’t like it is because you consider women who get them to be sl*ts who need to be punished for having sex. Don’t insult our intelligence by suggesting there’s a religious justification for this view.

“we are different in that we dont hold a gun to your head we call for repentance, while Islam slogan is “convert or die”

Actually, there is no Islam “slogan” that says convert or die. If you dig hard enough, you might find a couple of passages concerning battles between Muslims and their persecutors in the early days of Islam (on the battlefield, members of the enemy who converted to Islam were spared). You can find just as many such violent passages concerning unbelievers in the Old Testament. You have much to learn about the Islam faith. Although I doubt you’d be willing to. It’s far more comfy for you to live in your little bubble of bigotry.

