Stylish Spring/ Summer Workwear Inspiration

Victoria Latu
2 min readNov 10, 2017


Hopefully after watching and following my series on work wear (watch the ESSENTIAL WORKWEAR wardrobe here). You are now starting to find getting ready for work a breeze, saving yourself some money and are looking bloody fantastic. So lets make sure your wardrobe is getting a promotion in the summer as well — see what I did there J

Ok let’s start off with a few truths and necessities. I truly believe that a woman in this day and age shouldn’t have a wardrobe divided. And what I mean by that is, in todays fashion climate your stylish work wear wardrobe should be capable of taking you from work to drinks and even to an event afterwards (if you become smart about how you buy things. Save your money, save the planet, and save yourself the stress.

The other things are, the necessary aspect of work wear or office dressing. You need to look polished and well put together and not show too much skin. And, it should be comfortable and functional. There is no point sitting there looking like you read the latest “work styles” article in Vogue but are sitting there crazy uncomfortable! As the kids say “ain’t nobody got time for that”.

In this video, I have compiled some easy tips to look great and stylish in the warmer months. One important thing I try to get across in my videos is that first and foremost you have got to know your body, then secondly you have got to get the basics, the fundamentals, the items of clothing that you can put with anything and everything and those pieces that you can pull out at anytime and look great. Watch building the essential wardrobe here. Then, it all becomes easier to navigate.

So in spring/summer all you have to do is update your fabrics so they feel lighter and not as heavy and play with the colour palette incorporate some brighter colours and even colours trending that season. When you have your staple pieces you can very easily indulge in trends.

So till next time we talk shop,


Originally published at Talking Shop.

