Shocking photos of UFOs circling around Sun emerge! Are aliens draining our solar energy?

Victoria N.
1 min readApr 2, 2018


After monster UFOs has been detected circling around the Sun, massive number of alien believers popped the question: Are aliens harvesting energy from the Sun?
They are trying to answer their questions looking at the photos and videos taken from those flying objects.

The first person who floated the theory was the UFO hunter behind Youtube channel Streetap1 after seeing a strange object with a line of ‘’plasma’’ running directly from the Sun in NASA telescopic images of the solar surface. The UFO hunter posted a video on his channel entitled ‘Is this a massive UFO feeding off sun energy?’

‘’The fact that the UFO have different color and shape to the rest of the connected line is what convinced me to upload this. I was not a great believer in this plasma sun energy theory, but this has got me thinking.’

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