4 super Harmful Food and Drinks for your skin

Victoria Tariverdiyeva
3 min readDec 3, 2015


The saying “you are what you eat” is extremely applicable when it comes to the effects that dairy, wine, sugar and gluten consumption have on your face.

The beauty starts inside!

Naturopathic doctor and Skincare expert Nigma Talib believes that the food and drinks a person consumes has an instantaneous effect on their face. Nigma Talib is 43 and she looks very attractive, she knows what she says.

Wine Face Symptoms

Here is what you get for drinking Wine girls.

Pronounced lines or redness between the eyes, droopy eyelids, dehydrated or dry skin with feathery lines across cheeks, reddish cheeks and nose, enlarged pores, and deep nasolabial folds.

Dairy Face Symptoms

And here is for the Ice cream with Milk:)

Swollen eyelids, bags and dark circles around eyes, small white spots and bumps on chin.

Gluten Face Symptoms

Puffy red cheeks, dark pigmentation patches or spots around chin.

Sugar Face Symptoms

Lines or wrinkles on forehead, saggy eyes, gaunt thin face, painful pustular spots on face, thinning of skin, grey or pasty white hue of skin.

“A couple of glasses of wine can trigger fine lines around the mouth and eyes, and — if you are intolerant — a creamy sauce or a piece of cheese might trigger a spotty breakout or dark circles under the eyes.”

Doctor Talib is not the first one to say that a person’s face is an indicator of their health and well-being. Face mapping has long been practiced in ancient times, and many modern-day skincare brands have adopted this approach to developing their line of products.

“Certain food groups appear to be particularly damaging: gluten, dairy, sugar and alcohol. Each taxes the body in specific ways, contributing to a cluster of ageing symptoms such as spots, puffiness, changes in skin tone, premature fine lines and wrinkles or sagging.”

“The part of your face most affected — whether it’s your forehead, chin, cheeks or eyes — will depend on the part of the body being put under most stress by the food group.”

I was inspired by this facts and I refused to consume all the food and drinks mentioned in this post for 21 days.

Can you imagine my surprise when I saw the first result even after one week! I couldn’t believe that it works but it did.

What you think girls?

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