Crypto Challenges that Victorieum is Designed to Tackle!

2 min readNov 26, 2018


Apart from just a struggling market, crypto users from around the world face some challenges on a regular basis. We are going to sum up some common challenges that Victorieum’s Crypto Bank and Exchange is designed to tackle. Let’s get started:

1. Stringent regulations: In many jurisdictions of the world, very strict regulations on crypto trading are in place. Such a regulatory system hampers the seamless trading of digital currencies. It not only spoils the overall trading experience for crypto users but also deeply affects the economy of the country. Through its offshore banking units, Victorieum aims to offer users an experience beyond boundaries.

2. Lack of full crypto-backed banking services: There are only a handful of platforms offer banking services for cryptocurrencies. But the problem with these platforms is that they fail to provide a full-banking experience on an individual level. Therefore, to ensure that crypto users don’t have to switch between platforms to avail full-banking services, Victorieum is planning on creating an ecosystem with all the services in one place.

3. Low transaction speeds: Today we all have limited time on our hands. Thus, speed has become the essence of life. In crypto sphere, users are getting tired of slow transactions and running out patience. Victorieum ensures that all the transactions are faster and users’ overall experience gets better.

4. Lack of security: When it comes to banking, security is a primary concern. There are few platforms in crypto space that are not prone to security risks and threats. Through integration with CIVIC and Trezor, Victorieum ensures that users enjoy the highest level of security. Also, through re-usable KYC, the platform eradicates any remote possibilities of data theft and fraud.

5. Lack of customer support: Cryptocurrencies are rather complex and early users or beginners have a hard time getting the hang of it. This is where a good customer support comes handy. Victorieum’s platform ensures that customers get dedicated 24*7 support on any technical or non-technical issues.

Victorieum’s ICO sale is in progress. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of a revolution. Go sign up on our official website and participate.

