Victorieum: Offshore Banking Services Beyond Crypto-Regulatory Laws

1 min readNov 1, 2018


Blockchain’s decentralized platform is a vital force driving visionaries from around the world to explore the possibilities of a brighter future for mankind. Looking at the world around us, it is transforming life as we know it; better and more convenient shopping, easier and faster payments, better gaming experience, highly immersive online learning experience and so much more. Unfortunately, strict and, more importantly, redundant laws imposed by authorities and banks on the trading of cryptocurrencies are crippling our progress towards an innovation-driven future. But there are some projects that are delivering services beyond the confines of these judiciary laws. Victorieum’s Crypto Offshore Bank and Integrated Exchange is one of them.

This post from Coinspeaker elaborates on how Victorieum is causing an upheaval in the traditional banking sector by integrating banking with the blockchain technology:

Hope you find the article informative!

Happy Banking,

The Victorieum Team

