The most important things in life

People, time and money

Victor Khodalov
4 min readDec 27, 2019

Our values and views on things might differ, that’s exactly how it should be. In this article I would like to share what I consider to be important and can’t wait to hear your thoughts and opinions.

Illustration by Veronchikchik

We got to strive to be happy because it feels right, so why the hell not? Due to the hectic nature of modern life it is becoming increasingly difficult to figure out what’s really important and worth focusing on. Having chosen wrong priorities we risk finding ourselves living someone else’s life, doing something we don’t love, surrounded by people we don’t enjoy spending time with, . We got to live ones, no one can be 100% sure we’ll get a second chance. So better assume there won’t be one.

What are the things we can’t live without?

Let’s omit oxygen, water and nutrients. Imagine a world where there are no humans left, you’re the only survivor. How long will you last in such a place? I’m not an expert but have a feeling that one can quickly go mad is such circumstances. Would you enjoy such a life? No one to share your thoughts with, no one to have fun together. What’s the point of having a sports car or a luxury flat if you can’t share it with your loved ones? We are very social creatures. People and our interactions with them are the most important aspects of human life, a base need in the hierarchy. The most pleasure we get is from deep conversations and connections with others. Nothing else can substitute that.So what are the implications? We got to treat relationships very seriously, they are damn important and fragile as porcelain. The easiest way to break a friendship vase is dishonesty. Everyone lies but I do believe a significant progress can be made in this direction. The ultimate goal is having a luxury of always telling what you think of the matter and being true to yourself. Happy ones don’t lie. Please don’t get me wrong always telling what you think has an intrinsic risk of offending people with your words, that should be avoided.

What’s something we can never return? And what’s the cure?

Some might say health, but the progress happening in the medical field gives us some hope. Obviously our time here is limited and probably it’s the most important asset we possess. I’ve came to the conclusion that it can be handy to frequently remind myself of that as it makes me more productive and willing to accomplish things. So time can be never returned. What an injustice! What can we do about it? I’ve got a metaphor I would like to share with you. I see a clear connection between time and money. Humans invented money as a concept, an invention that gave impetus to so many things and became a backbone of our society. How clever it is to invent something (a rule if you will) that governs the system. The invention such powerful that can partly compensate for the fact that time is limited. Instead of cooking dinner yourself you can pay the restaurant and they’ll handle it for you, so you can instead enjoy your time with friends. You get a plane ticket to save time. You basically buy someone’s time. It takes time to build a plane, but then you compensate for the time you’ve invested in building an aircraft by charging people for tickets and then using the earned profit to buy products and services from others instead of making and providing them yourself. That’s efficient and saves time. Money saves time, but time is required to make money. Interesting, isn’t it? Imagine a world without money? What ways of motivating people would work? I have no idea to be honest and would love to hear your thoughts.

What’s the purpose of this article?

I’ve written this to share how I perceive some aspects of life in a hope to find like-minded people. If you are still reading, this might be the case. I believe that a great mission and purpose can unite people and create long-lasting and very fruitful relationships. Our current goal is to build a product that helps us plan, manage and evaluate activities we take part in, product that helps to achieve more, live a healthier life full of unforgettable moments and experiences and progress towards our life goals. If you share our views and love building great digital products and experiences we got to talk. We are building LifeViewer Productivity Super App and are looking for developers, designers and digital marketers to join our team to achieve the goal together. Get in touch with us at:

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