Winston Churchill — 1944 Speech on GreeceRecentemente tive o prazer de poder estudar um pouco sobre a segunda guerra mundial através das memórias do grande estadista Winston…Jul 21, 2019Jul 21, 2019
Published inLiferay Engineering BrazilConstruindo um app servless com Android, WeDeploy e KotlinApr 20, 2018Apr 20, 2018
How to Destroy a Great Team (NOT)I’m not a manager, leader or something like that, so you may be asking yourself “Why the hell are you going to talk about Teams and…Oct 31, 20171Oct 31, 20171
Sublime Plugin: TrumpIpsum GeneratorIn order to make Lorem Ipsum more funny, we decided to create a plugin for Sublime Text that generates the most dumbest phrases from two…Oct 27, 2017Oct 27, 2017
JavaFX AsyncTask: A easy way to handle multithreading in JavaFXThis post is a duplicate of my original blog. The purpose of this is to keep alive some posts from my old blog.Aug 26, 20173Aug 26, 20173
Crashlytics: How to detect and fix crashes in your app.This post is a duplicate of my original blog. The purpose of this post is entirely to keep alive some posts from my old blog.Aug 18, 2017Aug 18, 2017
Android: How to make Android gallery ignore the images of your app?This post is a duplicate of my original blog. The purpose of this post is entirely to keep alive some posts from my old blog.Aug 10, 2017Aug 10, 2017
Digital TV in Brazil: A practical methodology for the development of interactive applications using…This post is a duplicate of my original blog. The purpose of this post is entirely to keep alive some posts from my old blog.Aug 9, 2017Aug 9, 2017