Complete Guide: How to Add a Custom Skybox in Unity

Victor Manuel Campos Toledo
4 min readOct 29, 2023


A beautiful and immersive sky can transform the overall look and feel of your Unity project, making it more appealing and engaging. Unity provides various ways to enhance your project’s skies, and one of the most versatile methods is by adding a custom skybox. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of adding a custom skybox in Unity.

Understanding Skyboxes

A skybox is a 360-degree background that surrounds your entire scene. It simulates the appearance of a distant environment, such as a sky, landscape, or outer space, providing a visually striking backdrop for your game or application. While Unity offers default skyboxes, creating a custom skybox allows you to tailor the atmosphere of your project to your specific needs.

Creating a Custom Skybox

Before you add a custom skybox to your Unity project, you need to create or obtain the necessary assets. Here’s how to do it:

1. Create or Obtain Skybox Textures:

  • You can create your skybox textures using image editing software like Photoshop or obtain them from various sources, including image libraries or online resources. A typical skybox consists of six textures for the front, back, left, right, top, and bottom sides.

2. Import the Textures into Unity:

  • In the Unity Editor, navigate to the “Assets” folder and create a new folder to organize your skybox assets. Then, drag and drop the six skybox textures into this folder.
create a new folder to organize your skybox assets

3. Select the Skybox Shader:

  • Unity uses shaders to render skyboxes. To create a custom skybox, you need to select the appropriate shader. Unity’s built-in shader for skyboxes is the “Skybox/6 Sided” shader.
Unity’s built-in shader for skyboxes is the “Skybox/6 Sided” shader

4. Create a Material:

  • Right-click in your assets folder, select “Create,” and choose “Material.” Name the material something descriptive like “Skybox.”
Select “Create,” and choose “Material.”

5. Assign the Skybox Shader to the Material:

  • With the material selected, in the Inspector window, set the Shader field to “Skybox/Panoramic.”
Set the Shader field to “Skybox/Panoramic.”

6. Assign Textures to the Material:

  • Assign the texture to the material.
Assign Textures to the Material

7. Create a New Skybox Material:

  • With the material settings configured, create a new skybox material. To do this, select “Assets” > “Create” > “Material” and name it “CustomSkybox Material.”

8. Assign the Custom Skybox Material:

  • With the “CustomSkybox Material” selected, set the material of the Shader field to your “CustomSkybox” material.

9. Apply the Skybox to Your Scene:

  • To apply the custom skybox to your scene, go to “Window” > “Rendering” > “Lighting,” and in the Lighting window, navigate to the “Environment” tab. Find the “Skybox Material” section and drag your “Skybox” onto the “Skybox Material” slot.
To apply the custom skybox to your scene, go to “Window” > “Rendering” > “Lighting,”
In the Lighting window, navigate to the “Scene” tab. Find the “Skybox Material” section and drag your “CustomSkybox Material”

Testing and Optimizing

After adding your custom skybox, it’s crucial to test it in different lighting conditions and scenes to ensure it fits the desired atmosphere. Make any necessary adjustments to create the perfect ambiance for your project.

Optimization is also essential. Ensure that the resolution and quality of your skybox textures are appropriate for your target platform, as overly large textures can impact performance.

Testing and Optimizing


Adding a custom skybox to your Unity project is a fantastic way to enhance its visual appeal and create the desired atmosphere. Whether you’re building a realistic outdoor environment, a fantasy realm, or a sci-fi world, a custom skybox can be a game-changer. By following the steps in this guide and experimenting with different skybox textures and settings, you can take your Unity project to new heights and captivate your audience with breathtaking visuals.

