Tiramisu Wallet: Cryptocurrency Wallet and Exchange for Taproot Assets Protocol

Victor Oschi
9 min readMar 4, 2024



Tiramisu Wallet represents the next big innovation in cryptocurrency wallets, providing users with a seamless gateway to the Taproot Assets Protocol. With its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and commitment to innovation, Tiramisu Wallet stands poised to redefine the landscape of digital finance.

Tiramisu Wallet is more than just a conventional wallet — it’s a gateway to the Taproot Assets Protocol. This protocol enables the creation and management of diverse digital assets, including alternative currencies, stablecoins, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), directly on the Bitcoin blockchain. By seamlessly integrating with this cutting-edge protocol, Tiramisu offers users unparalleled access to a world of possibilities within the crypto space.

Tiramisu Wallet provides users with access to a wide range of currencies built on the Taproot Assets Protocol. From established altcoins to newly minted tokens, users can explore and engage with a diverse array of digital assets within the Tiramisu ecosystem, fostering innovation and growth within the crypto community.

Taproot Assets Protocol, built as an on-chain protocol, have the capability of minting alternative currencies, stablecoins and collectibles/NFT which can be recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain. By taking advantage of the Schnorr signatures and Merkle trees technology, Taproot Assets protocol represent digital assets and relies both on Bitcoin base layer as well as L2 lightning layer.

The first coin to be minted on Tiramisu wallet is Adam Coin. AdamCoin emerged as an early test of Tiramisu Wallet’s asset minting capabilities. Its name pays homage to Adam, signifying the first coin minted, and draws inspiration from the genesis story of Adam and Eve. . Its unique value and early adoption on the Lightning Network have made it a favourite among crypto enthusiasts. In fact, AdamCoin stands to become one of the first coins to be traded on the Lightning Network, marking a significant milestone in the realm of decentralized finance.

The popularity of AdamCoin extends beyond the confines of Tiramisu Wallet, as the coin is also held on other Taproot asset nodes. This widespread adoption shows AdamCoin’s appeal and utility within the crypto ecosystem. The consistent value it offers and the trading demand highlight AdamCoin’s position as a reliable digital asset within the Taproot Assets Protocol ecosystem.

Tiramisu Wallet, currently in Alpha, drives innovation within the cryptocurrency space, offering users new opportunities for financial exploration. Tiramisu wallet has come to change the narrative in the crypto wallet ecosystem.

What Makes Tiramisu Wallet Stand Out Among Other Cryptocurrency Wallets?

Cryptocurrency Wallet and Exchange for Taproot Assets Protocol: Tiramisu Wallet is not just another cryptocurrency wallet, it is a comprehensive platform designed to interact with the Taproot Assets Protocol. This protocol enables the creation and management of various digital assets, including alternative currencies, stablecoins, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), directly on the Bitcoin blockchain. With Tiramisu, users can mint, trade, and transact with these assets effortlessly.

Easy Access to Currencies Built on Taproot Assets Protocol: Tiramisu Wallet aims provides access to a diverse range of currencies built on the Taproot Assets Protocol. From established altcoins to newly minted tokens, users can explore and engage with a vibrant ecosystem of digital assets within the Tiramisu platform.

Wallet API for Developers: Tiramisu is built to offer Wallet API for developers, enabling integration with external applications and services. Tiramisu Wallet leverages lightning nodes and mainnet nodes to provide users with seamless access to the Taproot Assets Protocol. Basically, Tiramisu Wallet gives users a web interface to interact with Taproot Assets Protocol Deamon (tapd) running on Bitcoin testnet without the need for you to operate a Lightning node. Tiramisu wallet is a unique innovation in the cryptocurrency wallet space.

Robust Security with Seamless Integration: Tiramisu Wallet is built with robust security measures in place. Tiramisu prioritizes the safety and protection of users’ digital assets. It seamlessly integrates with the Taproot Assets Protocol, providing users with direct access to a diverse range of digital assets.

Features and Benefits of Tiramisu Wallet

Tiramisu Wallet offers a range of features and benefits that set it apart as a leading platform for Taproot Assets Protocol:

User-Friendly Interface with access to a wide range of currencies : Tiramisu’s intuitive interface makes it easy for users to navigate and engage with the platform. It simplifies asset management and trading.

Integration with Taproot Assets Protocol: Seamlessly interact with the Taproot Assets Protocol daemon running on Bitcoin testnet without the need for operating a Lightning node. As a result it streamlines the user experience and expands accessibility.

Comprehensive Asset Support: Tiramisu Wallet provides users with access to a wide range of currencies built on the Taproot Assets Protocol. From established altcoins to newly minted tokens, users can explore and engage with a diverse array of digital assets within the Tiramisu ecosystem, fostering innovation and growth within the crypto community.

Opportunities for Financial Exploration: By leveraging cutting-edge technology, Tiramisu Wallet drives innovation within the cryptocurrency space, offering users new opportunities for financial exploration.

Community Engagement due to its Minting Capability: Tiramisu Wallet allows users to mint their own assets, fostering innovation and creativity within the ecosystem. Users can mint their own assets and share them on social media, encouraging community engagement and innovation within the ecosystem. It promotes collaboration and creativity within the ecosystem.

Taproot assets do not carry any key functionality. They are minted with a definite supply and then transacted on the BTC blockchain and later on the Lightning Network. Minting taproot assets is cheap and very simple. As a result, this makes it different from the ethereum ecosystem that supports smart contracts. The first coin to be minted under the Taproot Assets Protocol is AdamCoin.

Adamcoin: Unique Digital Currency within the Taproot Assets Protocol Ecosystem

Simply put, AdamCoin represents the beginning of a new era in digital finance. AdamCoin emerged as an early test of Tiramisu Wallet’s asset minting capabilities. Its name pays homage to Adam, signifying the first coin minted, and draws inspiration from the Genesis story of Adam and Eve.

AdamCoin represents the pioneering spirit and innovation inherent in the cryptocurrency space. As a testament to Tiramisu Wallet’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of decentralized finance,

Its unique early adoption on the Lightning Network have made it a favorite among crypto enthusiasts. In fact, AdamCoin is poised to become one of the first coins to be traded on the Lightning Network, marking a significant milestone in the realm of decentralized finance.

With its symbolic significance and growing adoption, AdamCoin stands poised to leave a lasting impact on the world of cryptocurrency.

Features and Potentials of AdamCoin

Early Adoption and Symbolic Significance: Named after Adam, AdamCoin embodies the spirit of innovation and genesis within the cryptocurrency space. AdamCoin’s early adoption on the Lightning Network positions it as a pioneer in decentralized finance.

Diversification of Digital Assets: AdamCoin offers users a unique opportunity to diversify their digital asset portfolios within the Taproot Assets Protocol ecosystem.

Trading Opportunities: With robust trading activity and liquidity, AdamCoin provides users with ample opportunities to engage in trading and investment. With a stable value range and consistent trading demand, AdamCoin offers reliability and predictability to investors and traders alike.

Promotes Community Engagement and Collaboration : AdamCoin fosters community engagement and collaboration, driving innovation and growth within the crypto community.

Opportunity for Innovation: AdamCoin is indeed a ground-breaking digital currency that is making waves in the crypto community. Inspired by the timeless tale of Adam and Eve, AdamCoin represents the genesis of a new era in digital finance. Its early success and growing adoption highlight the opportunities for innovation within decentralized finance.

Reliable Digital Asset: AdamCoin maintains a stable value range between 2000 and 20,000 SATs ($AC), with over 50 standing orders contributing to its liquidity. This consistent value proposition and robust trading demand emphasize AdamCoin’s position as a reliable digital asset within the Taproot Assets Protocol ecosystem.

With approximately 1400 holders and daily trading activity, AdamCoin has established itself as a dynamic player in the cryptocurrency market. Its popularity extends beyond the confines of Tiramisu Wallet, as the coin is also held on other Taproot asset nodes. This widespread adoption is a testament to AdamCoin’s appeal and utility within the crypto ecosystem.

How to Use Tiramisu Wallet: Step-by-Step

To Sign Up and Navigate:

Sign Up: Create an account on Tiramisu Wallet’s platform.

Deposit Funds: Deposit your desired cryptocurrency into your Tiramisu wallet.

Explore Assets: Navigate through the platform to discover the various assets available for trading.

Trade: Buy, sell, or hold digital assets using Tiramisu’s intuitive interface.

To Obtain your First Taproot Assets through Tiramisu Wallet:

Select Asset: Choose the desired asset you wish to acquire.

Initiate Purchase: Execute the purchase transaction through the Tiramisu platform.

Confirmation: Once confirmed, your newly acquired Taproot assets will be available in your wallet.

To Withdraw Taproot Assets from your Tiramisu Wallet:

Select Asset: Choose the asset you wish to withdraw.

Enter Withdrawal Details: Specify the withdrawal amount and recipient address.

Confirm Withdrawal: Verify the transaction details and confirm the withdrawal request.

Road Map

April 2024

Upgrade Tiramisu wallet frontend : A team of frantend developers hired to redo the frontend of Tiramisu wallet and make it more similar to other ordinal exchanges.

Integrate Tiramisu GUI with Lightning for Taproot Assets: Lightning labs to add functionality for opening taproot assets channels on Bitcoin LIghtning network. This will reduce the cost of sending taproot assets from node to node and allow for asset exchange directly on the lightning network. Team is planning on fully integrating Tiramisu with this new feature.

May 2024

Develop a Tiramisu mobile app: Team hired to develop an app that will integrate with Tiramisu API. The mobile app may not include all functionalities of the website but it will allow for trading, withdrawals and deposits.

May/June 2024

Operate as an edge node on Lightning network for Taproot Assets: When taproot asset channels become available on lightning there will be a need for nodes that will interface between BTC and TAP channels. This will allow for taproot asset routing through Bitcoin channels

Summer/Fall 2024

Lend taproot assets: Once taproot asset channels becoming available on lightning there will be a demand for inbound liquidity similar to the Bitcoin lightning network. This will open a market for lending of taproot assets.


Tiramisu represents a ground-breaking platform that combines tradable occurrences and NFT collections on the Taproot asset, offering users a unique and dynamic marketplace for digital assets. With its user-friendly interface, transparent protocols, and emphasis on creativity and innovation, Tiramisu is poised to become a leading destination for traders, artists, and collectors alike.

As the cryptocurrency and blockchain space continues to grow, platforms like Tiramisu serve as an example to the transformative power of technology and its ability to transform the way we create, trade, and interact with digital assets. Whether you’re a trader looking for new opportunities or an artist seeking to showcase your work, Tiramisu offers a vibrant ecosystem where innovation thrives and possibilities abound.

Tiramisu Wallet and Exchange is designed for the Taproot Assets Protocol — an on-chain protocol that facilitates the minting of alternative currencies, stablecoins, and collectibles/NFTs directly on the Bitcoin blockchain. The protocol opens up a world of possibilities within the crypto space as it makes use of advanced cryptographic techniques. Leveraging both the Bitcoin base layer and the Lightning Network’s layer 2 scalability solutions, Taproot Assets Protocol offers a strong framework for creating and managing a diverse range of digital assets.

In a nut shell, Tiramisu Wallet represents the next innovation in cryptocurrency wallets, providing users with a seamless gateway to the Taproot Assets Protocol. The wallet aims to redefine the landscape of digital finance. Indeed, Tiramisu Wallet has come to change the narrative in the cryptocurrrency wallet space.

For more information about Tiramisu Wallet, please visit the following websites:

Website: https://mainnet.tiramisuwallet.com/

WalletApp: https://mainnet.tiramisuwallet.com/walletapp/currencies_public/2

Telegram: https://t.me/tiramisuwallet

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TiramisuWallet

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9cgDmpUrxj

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TiramisuWallet/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCclJS5Ps018H-YeNVAsmTdw

Bitcointalk Campaign: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5485630

#TiramisuWallet #AdamCoin #TaprootAssetsProtocol #Blockchain #Cryptocurrency #WalletAPI #BitcoinLightningNetwork #LightningNode #MainnetNode #NFT

Author’s Information

Proof of Authentication: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5485630.msg63739844#msg63739844

Forum Username: evichi

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1717893

Participated Campaign: Article

BTC (SegWit) Wallet Address: bc1qaxp45c7ndc36vymcgcpv6n6gzz7dw8428z4hnq

Email: victchos@gmail.com



Victor Oschi

Keen in crypto innovations and science in general. Please follow back as I follow you.