How Artificial Intelligence is already disrupting the job market.

Victor Ravier
3 min readAug 13, 2018


We live in the generation of convenience where technology can be found everywhere, even in the comforts of your bedroom, house, or bathroom. Everything is just a click away, you don’t even have to think about it but you let your computer do the job.

This is how Artificial Intelligence is invading the human race by allowing the machines to do the job of analyzing, studying, and worse even thinking. Have you ever wondered why Siri, Alexa, and Google are more famous than us? Because we allow them to rule our time, why? for convenience. But first let us talk about what Artificial Intelligence is. It is a subdivision of computer science producing machines with incredible skills in problem solving, planning, learning, and speech recognition. These machines then are made to perform different activities that require human intelligence. Problems in developing these machines include programming computers for certain traits such as knowledge, reasoning, perception, and the ability to manipulate and move objects.

As you can see, these skills are expected from a human being to survive for a day but what if these machines or “Robots”, as other people call it, do the entire job of a human by applying the basic skills such as those that were mentioned earlier? We describe what comfort is using all the adjectives and words we can use but sometimes, comfort can just be laziness itself. We have been using technology in a daily task making it as an irreplaceable element for us to live. We have been dependent to the technology to the point that we can’t live without it. If dependency on the Artificial Intelligence continues, our human capabilities might as well be replaced by these so-called robots and we would be nothing more than just a user of these machines.

According to a chilling report from the OCDE only 13% of workers are actually more efficient than AI. Not in five years, not in two years, today! We might think that having this technology will improve companies, businesses and corporations but what about people that are willing to work to sustain their own? Modern technology already is taking jobs of a lot of humans: machines are doing the jobs which are supposedly to be done by humans. Many businesses are using these machines or robots for the purpose of increasing the production in a lot easier and faster way. This is truly beneficial for businesses because it helps them boost the income and have a high-performance satisfaction to the costumers, but for the employees this is an issue because they are being replaced with machines and other technologies making them useless to the business. These machines do not have anything or anyone to work for yet they are given the opportunity to work, what about the actual people that work for their families? It’s about time that we put these opportunities to enhance skills to actual people who are in the first place designed to work for their sustenance. If this continues, CEOs might consider in the near future of completely removing human labors from their business and let the robots take over

If we look at this biblically, humans in the first place are given a comfortable life yet because of the serpent’s cunning way of speaking and the human’s disobedience we then are cursed to work our whole lives to provide sustenance for ourselves. If we then reverse this curse by making these machines and robots by putting them in our situation and make them the labourer instead of us, are we not escaping the God given responsibility that we should be facing as a human? We should always remember that we are made with a superior intelligence over all the living creatures in the world. We are meant to rule and not to be ruled.



Victor Ravier

Founder of Place2b, passionate about Technology, Finance and Video Games.