Why I Chose To Study Content Strategy

Victor Ugoo Njoku
4 min readMar 31, 2022


Days ago, someone said to me, ‘so you left Nigeria to Graz to come and study contents’. I was shocked for a hot minute, and the look on my face couldn’t hide it, and that led this person to offer an apology. Any Nigerian who reads this, need not be told that the question was asked by another Nigerian. But I was surprised cos this Nigerian has lived more than half their life in Europe. I guess some things never change. However, I think my Nigerian friend asked a question other people may have considered; but never got to ask. Each time I told someone that I’m studying content strategy, it is followed by the question, ‘what is content strategy?’ and a little disappointment on the faces of the people asking, whenever I answered.

Since I intend to share my journey studying content strategy at FH Joanneum, I might start by explaining how I started to study content strategy for my exchange semester and then attempt to explain what content strategy really is.

First, I should state that my master’s is in International Corporate Communication and Media Management at Hochschule Neu-Ulm. At HNU, once I heard that I had the option of having an exchange semester abroad, I knew that was something I would like to do. Then I had to check the partner universities I could study at and the courses available in those universities. When I saw the content strategy option at FH Joanneum, I knew that was the one for me. Asides from my previous experience running a blog and managing social media platforms, content creation has always been one of my many interests. I could also see how the knowledge gained from the programme could translate into my work in corporate communications. For me, it was just about getting more transferrable knowledge and skills.

Wall Designs on Content Strategy Building at FH Joanneum


For everyone who has ever asked me what content strategy is, I started by first explaining what content is. To be fair, once I offer that explanation, half the time, they no longer need further insights as to what content strategy is. Hence, I’m also going to first explain content, before trying to explain content strategy. Perhaps this is the part I’m expected to quote an academic authority on content strategy. However, I would refer to Merriam Webster’s definition of content as ‘the principal substance (such as written matter, illustrations, or music) offered by a website’. To me, this is the simplest way to look at content. I would also add that when written matter, illustration, music, or visuals are shared on social media or on mobile apps, it qualifies as content too. Think about your birthday posts on Facebook. Consider the shoutout you gave to your friends on LinkedIn when they celebrated their matriculation or first job. Or maybe the three paragraphs you wrote on Twitter about Will Smith/Chris Rock Oscar award incident. I could go on and on.

Now, think about your favourite brands’ social media pages and websites. Also, think about skit makers you follow on Instagram; and the influencers you follow on Tik-Tok, Twitter and Youtube. I believe you now have a great understanding of what content is. While you can afford to randomly create contents, your favourite brands do not have such liberties. Here comes the need for content strategy. Kotler et. al in Marketing 4.0, Moving from Traditional to Digital described content as ‘the new ad’. That might suggest that every piece of content is aimed to convince you to cough out money to make a purchase. While that isn’t exactly the case, you will also understand that these brands expect a return on every investment made in creating the contents you engage with. There lies the relevance of the master’s in content strategy at FH Joanneum.

View from Content Strategy Building at FH Joanneum

This master’s programme is designed to equip participants with the skill set needed to systematically design contents that address users and supports corporate objectives. Within the course of this programme, like other participants, I’m expected to learn how best to define topics, relevant channels, and the tone of organizations’ contents. This programme prepares me to be able to strategically plan corporate contents or provide advice to companies whilst they develop their contents. I can also choose to specialize in user experience design, content marketing, enterprise content management or even data asset management.

Though I have only been in this programme for just a few weeks, I have learnt a lot from practice as the course is practical. In the coming weeks, I hope to let you in on some of the things that I have come to learn.

