The UC San Diego Interaction Design: Designing, Running, and Analyzing Experiments is hard!!!

Pixel Lens Design
2 min readFeb 20, 2024


I finally completed this course! Whew! I was stuck on this course for about 2 months!

This was the hardest course in the UC San Diego Interaction Design Specialization on Coursera. It was very heavy on Statistics, Advanced Maths, Programming, Data analysis, etc…none of which i have any experience in.

This course kept my brain very active, doing crazy amounts of reading, testing and research…pulling all-nighters, consuming massive cups of coffee…

A snapshot of me trying to work in RStudio

So how do you ace this part of the course?

  1. Do more research on the topics covered…i used Google to research and find in-depth information on things I couldn’t understand or solve
  2. Take some Statistics lessons and courses (intro to R programming, etc) to understand things more
  3. Rewatch the course videos and course notes as many times as possible
  4. Get in touch with people on GitHub, Stack Overflow, etc, and ask questions on forums
  5. Ask a Statistician for help
  6. If you don’t have access to a Statistician, then use Chat GPT to help you solve some bug problems with the codes

I have to be completely honest, and say this was the least interesting course in the Specialization, however, it showed me how tenacious and adamant I can be when i want to solve problems and get answers

I’m excited to finally start my CAPSTONE Project and I’m looking forward to documenting that journey.

So far, this course has been very interesting and exciting, even more so than the Google UX Specialization I took a few months ago. It’s also an Intermediate level course, so I guess it makes sense why it’s a bit harder, more practical and even more exciting!

So long RStudio!!! I won’t miss you…



Pixel Lens Design

Writing everything on my mind, one page at a time. Aspiring Product Designer. Mental Health Advocate. Filmmaker. Writer. Depression survivor.