How AI is Saving Me Hours as a Student

Victor Zexi He
8 min readDec 19, 2023

We’ve all heard how strenuous medical school can be.

“I study 8 days a week”, a student in his fourth year once told me.

Social life, sleep, time, hobbies, a normal diet — say your farewells to these familiar faces for the next 6 years* (and perhaps many more). *I go to medical school in Sweden, which as of today is a 6 year program before one obtains their medical license.

To say the least, I wasn’t too pumped up after hearing this just one week of starting medical school (but always appreciate the honesty).

But then I asked myself a simple question: “Does it really have to be this way?”

The rise of AI and super-powerful LLM’s have marked one of the main milestones of 2023. As of writing this, it’s safe to say that there are dozens, if not hundreds, of LLMs in existence, with more continuously being developed. The field is evolving quickly, and the capabilities of these models are constantly improving. And yes, I asked Google’s Bard AI for that previous “fact”.

As the American psychologist, Karl Roger, puts it:

The only true education is in learning how to learn”

A paper published this year, ”Large Language Models in Medical Education: A Scoping Review (Journal of

