Fear of Kryptonite Makes Superman Real.

2 min readDec 17, 2017


“Without Kryptonite, Superman doesn’t matter, as he is without weakness, invulnerable, boring.” (Godin, 2012)

And I truly believe the inability to overcome fear can be my Kryptonite, a negative thought process that says “I can’t” do something, when I know I can. Action makes ideas real, fear is the mind killer. Fear is the product killer…

In the user-experience design process, discovery is the first step towards launch. In LLP, customer discovery is the only thing that matters when creating anything of value — but none of these “discovery” processes will work if I become unable to overcome the fear of asking open-ended questions, and listening to the response…


I’m in the Broward College ‘Innovation Hub’ grant program funded by the Department of Commerce directed by Start-Up Now using Lean Launchpad methodology by Steve Blank. That’s a mouth-full huh? Well, I think simplicity makes everything better, so for the sake of this blog, it will now be referred to as (LLP).

Sketch-work and research for product development in the Customer Discovery phase.

I have a meeting with our mentor on Monday morning at 0900hr to talk about fears I’m having with building out sections of the BMC and interviewing customers with the right open-ended questions... I even fear not asking the right questions for this call coming up because I must compile notes from Talking to Humans to be prepared for new interviews.

The fear brought me to create this blog. Decisions like these, help me help others understand what value I have to offer. And I thought, it’s only when we become vulnerable that we begin to learn what value we have to offer. I guess this fear is my Kryptonite driving me to be (create) real.




Written by vidalexperience

ux designer for hire, now blogging about entrepreneurship. I connect with people to showcase their talents @freethinkersc #masterminds