Choose the Best DRM Solution for your Digital Content Security

5 min readApr 22, 2022
Multi DRM Solution — VideoCrypt

With the advent of OTT platforms and many new platforms for viewing online video content have emerged. Consequently, the DRM software solutions are also increasing in the market. Why is it so? The only reason one looks for the DRM solution is to manage the privacies on their platform. What does this mean? Actually, nowadays a lot of online open-source video content is produced which directly or indirectly attracts piracy issues. Simply, it means that online content can be hacked or tampered with and duplicated to be published open-source. This takes away the legibility of the content and hence your targetted statistics may not be met.

It is here when DRM comes into play, it means that with DRM software solutions you can prevent the piracy of your content. There are so many streaming platforms in the markets because of which users tend to pirate the content rather than pay for it. Therefore, if you don’t focus on your content securities, then there are chances that your content be downloaded and freely available. Hence, install DRM securities in your system and save your video from illegal access. But now you might be wondering what is a DRM security and how will you apply DRM securities to your online content.

Here, we will tell you what is this latest DRM security encryption? and we will also provide you with the process to use DRM software solutions on your online content. So, before we get started, you get your notepads ready and note down all the important things from here.

What is the Latest DRM Security?

A DRM Solutions is also known as Digital Rights Management Software which is responsible for providing access to content only to authorized users. With DRM software for the video, you can monitor and manage your content accessibilities. Hence, this means that you can control who can view your content online and how many users are accessing your content. It is of high usage for OTT services.

It is easily possible that the key used to decrypt the encrypted videos is often easily accessible by other users. Most of the time these keys are often accessible by the hackers who can access your content. Hence, by using the key they can access your content online and publish it on various other open-source servers.

Therefore, with a DRM solution, your encrypted keys remain hidden and no one can access them until you authorize them. So, this is a good way to safeguard your online content against potential hackers and download tools. Moreover, with the Videocrypt DRM software solutions, you can prevent content piracy and not lose your revenue due to piracy.

As a fact, by using a DRM solution, various video platforms have seen a rise in their revenue. Moreover, with DRM software you can encrypt other contents like video, audio, games, comics, ebooks, et al. Here we are focusing on DRM solution for video.

Explaining DRM Protection

Digital Rights Management term is used to describe that the content is copyrighted material and can only be accessed by authorized users. Moreover, it also means that the content on which the DRM protection is applied — becomes restricted and its usage is controlled.

Moreover, content becomes DRM protected when certain rules are applied to the copyrighted content to restrict any unauthorized access.

With the DRM software solutions, no one can download or make a copy of your video. Moreover, you can monitor the devices on which videos are being watched and the number of times a video has been viewed. Whereas, these DRM restrictions can be maintained to be simple and or complex according to your requirements.

How does DRM Software Protect your Videos?

Before starting over by providing clear-cut knowledge of the working of the DRM software, you need to understand what video encryption is. Afterward, I will tell you how videos are protected by a Video DRM solution.

Video Encryption

Video encryption is basically a process of encoding a raw video file to a non-video file format that is secure. The benefit of video encryption with DRM software solutions is that when a person tries to access the raw file with unauthorized access, they’ll only get a non-video source file. Moreover, this file is highly encrypted and is just random gibberish.

Encrypted files cannot be broken or accessed without the help of a key, which is also known as a password. Though encryption keys are there to open secured files, yet if this key comes into the hand of hackers then decryption can be easy. Moreover, the prevalent standard video encryption technology is HLS, RTMP, and AES-128. Hence, the purpose of video encryptions is defeated here.

It would be of best use for a person with no technical knowledge. As for them only using the keys can work it out and also they can share files with others.

DRM based Video Encryption

With DRM software solutions this weakness in video encryption is removed because which encryption key is not accessible to unauthorized users. A video is encrypted in a video DRM software to protect the key behind a BlackBox or Content Decryption Module.

The VideoCrypt DRM solutions consist of multi DRM software. Hence, the DRM solutions are mentioned as:

Google Widevine DRM Solution

The Google Widevine DRM supports (Windows, MAC, Linux) Desktops/ Laptops. Whereas, it supports browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. Android TV and Chromecast.

Apple Fairplay DRM Solution

Apple Fairplay DRM supports Mac Safari, iOS Safari, and iOS Applications.

Microsoft Playready DRM Solution

Microsoft PlayReady DRM software solutions are supported by only Windows Edge.

Multi DRM CDM being present in your own smartphone devices are not accessible by you. Hence, these CDM solutions are only accessible by the Encrypted Media Extensions (EMEs).

How to Choose the Right DRM Solution Providers

There are various features that come with DRM solutions like Dynamic Watermarking. Hence, the basic features to look for while choosing the right DRM solution providers are as follows:

Anti-Capture Technique

The anti-capture feature allows the content creators to prevent users to take a screenshot of a particular video. It does not let the viewers take screenshots so that privacy is maintained.

Visible Watermarking Encryption

With the DRM software solutions, a visible watermark is put in place. So, in a scenario where the user tries to duplicate the content by making a video from another video recording device. The visible watermarking will let other viewers understand the original source of the content.

Geography and Time-Based Restriction

In many cases, there is a need to restrict a video to certain locations or devices. Henceforth, a video DRM solution allows for location-wise access restrictions on a particular video.

PenDrive, SD-Drive, and G-Drive Encryption

To safely store your Live Video on Demand content on a PenDrive, SD-Drive, and G-Drive, you can use DRM securities. Moreover, it lets content creators share the content from a device to multiple users hassle-free.

Wrap Up

With the advancement of time, video consumption has increased hence viewers get options to watch videos from multiple OTT platforms. Whereas, the drawback of this is that hackers can easily hack into a system and get access to a particular video. Hence, DRM software solutions are best to root out this problem forever. Get knowledge of more such topics to increase your security.




VideoCrypt provides Secure Video Hosting, OTT Platform, VOD, and Live Streaming services with DRM for Educators and YouTubers.