Unleashing Android UI Power: A Practical Guide to Jetpack Compose with MVI

Vidhi Dave
4 min readJan 11, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of Android development, Jetpack Compose and Model-View-Intent (MVI) have emerged as potent tools for crafting robust and reactive UIs. While Compose empowers a declarative and performant UI creation experience, MVI brings order to state management with its unidirectional data flow and predictable behaviour. Combining these forces unlocks a new level of development efficiency and maintainability.

Why Compose and MVI?

Imagine crafting UIs with code that reads like a recipe, describing what you want to see rather than how to build it. That’s the magic of Compose! Declarative UI descriptions and automatic recomposition free you from the complexities of View hierarchies and lifecycle management. MVI complements this elegance by ensuring a single source of truth for your app’s state — the Model — and clear pathways for user interactions (Intents) to update that state, reflected instantly in the UI (View).

Let’s Build Something!

To showcase the practical aspects of this powerful duo, we’ll build a simple counter app. Our app will have a TextView displaying the count, buttons to increment/decrement, and a reset button.

Setting the Stage:

  1. Project Setup: Add the necessary Compose and MVI libraries to your project. Popular options include accompanist-swipeable-compose for swipe gestures and arkivanov/decompose for advanced navigation.
  2. Data Model: Define a simple CounterState class holding the current count value.
data class CounterState(val count: Int)

Compose the UI:

  • Main Screen: Create a composable function for the main screen, where we’ll display the count and buttons.
fun CounterScreen(state: CounterState, onIncrement: () -> Unit, onDecrement: () -> Unit, onReset: () -> Unit) {
Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
text = state.count.toString(),
modifier = Modifier
.clickable { onIncrement() }
modifier = Modifier
) {
Button(onClick = onDecrement) { Text("-") }
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.width(8.dp))
Button(onClick = onReset) { Text("Reset") }
  • Binding Data and Events: Within the screen, we access the state and pass callback functions like onIncrement to update the model based on user interactions. Compose automatically recomposes the UI whenever the state changes.

MVI in Action:

  1. Intents: Define intent classes representing user actions, like Increment or Reset.
  2. Reducer: Implement a reducer that receives the current state and intent, returning the updated state based on the logic you define.
fun reducer(state: CounterState, intent: CounterIntent): CounterState {
when (intent) {
is CounterIntent.Increment -> state.copy(count = state.count + 1)
is CounterIntent.Decrement -> state.copy(count = state.count - 1)
is CounterIntent.Reset -> state.copy(count = 0)

3. Effect Handlers (Optional): For asynchronous operations like network calls, use effect handlers to launch side effects and update the state when they are complete.

Putting it All Together:

  • Compose the Main View: In your activity/fragment, compose the screen with the state, callbacks, and reducer injected.
override fun MyActivity() {
val viewModel = viewModel<CounterViewModel>()
val state = viewModel.state.collectAsState()
state = state.value,
onIncrement = { viewModel.dispatch(CounterIntent.Increment) },
onDecrement = { viewModel.dispatch(CounterIntent.Decrement) },
onReset = { viewModel.dispatch(CounterIntent.Reset) }

ViewModel: The ViewModel holds the MVI logic, exposing the state as an observable stream and dispatching user intents to the reducer.

Beyond the Basics:

This is just a glimpse into the power of Compose and MVI. Advanced features like navigation with Decompose, side effects handling, and testing unlock further possibilities.


By embracing the synergy of Jetpack Compose and MVI, you can craft Android UIs that are not only visually stunning but also performant and maintainable. The declarative nature of Compose frees you from the shackles of imperative View management, while MVI’s unidirectional data flow brings predictability and clarity to state handling.

Benefits you reap:

  • Improved Developer Experience: With Compose’s readable code and MVI’s predictable behaviour, you can code with confidence and spend less time debugging.
  • Reduced Boilerplate: Both Compose and MVI eliminate unnecessary boilerplate code, allowing you to focus on the core logic of your app.
  • Enhanced Performance: Compose’s recomposition optimization ensures smooth and efficient UI updates, while MVI’s unidirectional data flow minimizes unnecessary calculations.
  • Testability: Both Compose and MVI are built with testability in mind, making it easier to write unit and integration tests for your app.

Taking the Leap:

Ready to unleash the power of Compose and MVI in your next project? Here are some resources to get you started:

Remember, the learning curve for both Compose and MVI can be steep initially. But the rewards in terms of efficiency, maintainability, and developer experience are well worth the effort. So, dive in, experiment, and discover the joy of building performant and delightful Android UIs with this powerful duo.

Bonus Tip: Don’t be afraid to share your experiences and learnings with the Android community! By contributing to forums, writing blog posts, or giving talks, you can help others unlock the potential of Compose and MVI.

I hope this comprehensive article has provided you with a solid understanding of Jetpack Compose and MVI and inspired you to explore their potential in your next project. Feel free to ask any further questions you may have and happy coding!



Vidhi Dave

Mobile Magician 🪄 | Turning ideas into reality with Android | ‍ Always expanding my knowledge | Committed to quality and performance