Why being a Woman Entrepreneur in India has its own pros and cons

3 min readMar 5, 2018

In the recent times women have taken lead in every field one could imagine. From equity to equality, it has been a slow progression but they have thrived in the toughest and roughest of professions and surprised the whole world.

Eventhough start ups and entrepreneurs are on a rise in our country, being a woman entrepreneur still comes with a price tag, with it’s own merits and flaws. Maybe the cons outweigh the pros but when have women ever really backed down from a fight? Answer is never!

One of the biggest drawbacks would be breaking the classic stereotype wrapping a woman- how to be? What she should do, how she should walk, how she should eat? The society has all the rules laid out and is unforgiving on even the smallest of mistakes. “In a world where the lady of the house is expected to do a 9–5 job, raise children and prepare meals, ofcourse going out and running your own business does raise eyebrows but at the end of the day it’s all about balancing your professional and personal space!” says Sugandh Jolly, Co-founder of ELV, Gurugram

Another complain of a woman entrepreneur would be equal pay and being taken seriously. Women work as hard as men, if not more, then why should they fight for something as basic as being paid the same? Ofcourse with the changing times, things are getting better but the world still has a problem taking a woman in command seriously. #Girlboss is not just a movement for the young women entrepreneurs of the world but a hope that their voices will be heard as much as any man leading a company.

Having said that, where there are cons, there are pros. “If you fail, you would have learnt a lot and figured out a lot of opportunities elsewhere” says Raghunandan G, Taxiforsure. Learning and growing continuously, getting over your fears and coming out stronger than ever is something our women entrepreneurs live by and that’s what makes them stand out.


There is nothing that can replace the feeling of knowing you impact lives, you’re independent, and as a woman, you learn to be more empathetic towards other people and their hard work.

All the pros can’t be summed down to the profits you make yearly but as a woman entrepreneur, you’re stronger, confident and you know what they say, happy and content women have it all figured out. They are rockstars at home as well as work!




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