A Nice Start-TWTW

Vidhya t r
2 min readOct 27, 2018


week 1

I am super excited to being selected on WITx program.Now feeling myself good with lots of new tasks and with lots of new energetic peoeple.

Cohort 1 participant ,Rasmi is my classmate.From college reopening,i seemed herself very busy and i enquired about that.She introduced me about WIT.A world with lots of opportunities and exposure to girls.I become interested and just applied for WITx. Not expected that ,i will be selected.

But after selection,i had pretty much fear about the tasks.Because my language is not at all good :( .But I will try to make all my works good as i can.Now many students aware about this program and they also supporting me.

About the first task before selection is to make a self-introduction video. And I had made a Youtube channel and posted my first video on there.That was really good task :).

Another one is to create your own website. Using google sites i made that.

On october 25 th i recieved the mail ,confirming my selection to Witx.I eagerly waited for the next tasks.Next day the mail announcing tasks are recieved.

On 25 th 7–8pm there was a YouTube live of Arya murali as a introduction to the program and the second half on the Telegram group . The theme of this week was #discover and #connect.

As a part of discover ,each participants discover any 3 opportunities, it can be internship,scholarships,conferences, hackathon and tweet them.We 80+ girls found almost 220 opportunities within 15 minutes.That was an amazing task.I really wondered by seeing the huge opportunities.But we not utilising them properly.

The next is #connect. we are growing up by connecting people. Here is an opportunity for us to connect with a WIT participant.The task is to send a mail to wit participant by seeing her interview section as a part of cohort1. we are also provided the instruction to write a professional mail .We were asked to write a blog summarising the interview.That was also good experience to me.

What i liked the most is the connect section.I could know about one more energetic girl and her activities.I will keep touch with here.

looking forward……………….

