Cracking the Quantum Code: My Eureka Moment with the Unfathomable

Vidur Jannapureddy
4 min readMay 18, 2024


Once whispered by tech giants and leading scientists as a vague term, quantum computing, became a concept I frequently encountered. Promises of a technical revolution hung in the air yet the specifics were obscured by dense physics, and perplexing paradoxes.

Then in the middle of a rainy afternoon understanding dawned — not as a sudden flash but, as a slow and steady realignment linking reality to the area of fantasy. Here I recount my exploration: the challenges met the moments of sudden view and, my growing fascination with the odd yet powerful field of quantum computing. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or simply curious about the future, join me as we untangle the mysteries of the quantum realm, one qubit at a time.

I started my Quantum Computing journey at the start of 9th grade. At this time I was really just trying to scour the internet and piece bits and pieces of information. As you can imagine, this was not very effective and I understood nothing. This was all until I came across Richard Wang’s Quantum Computing Series:

This series covers all the fundamental concepts you need to get started with Quantum Computing. These concepts range from Qubits to The Future of Quantum Computing. The whole course is taught at a low enough level so that even a high schooler would be able to understand it. Wang covers all the topics needed to gain a fundamental understanding of Quantum Computing, and he gives you the motivation to delve deeper. He also has a free Udemy Course:

After I gained a conceptual understanding of Quantum Computing, I wanted to learn how to actually apply my newfound knowledge. That is when I turned to Qiskit and specifically the Coding with Qiskit Series:

Now the link I provided is the updated version of the series but it is the same concept as the one I used. This series taught me all things Qiskit ranging from installing Qiskit locally to applying gates to qubits to running Quantum Applications on real Quantum Computers. This series is what really jumpstarted my work in Quantum Computing and enabled me to experiment and create new algorithms. After thoroughly going through this series, I was truly able to gain the confidence to go and explore the depths and complexities of Quantum Computing and Quantum Computer Science.

So, quantum computing? Totally went from mind-blowing mystery to something I kind of get. It wasn’t like a lightning strike, more like slowly putting together a puzzle. (Except way cooler, because the pieces are qubits and stuff.)

The best part? Thanks to awesome resources like Richard Wang’s Quantum Computing Series and Qiskit’s Coding with Qiskit, I wasn’t just stuck understanding the theory. I could actually use that knowledge to experiment and even build new things. Talk about a game-changer!

This is just the beginning, though. Quantum computing has the potential to shake things up in a major way, from medicine to making the coolest new materials. And guess what? I want to be a part of that!

Understanding quantum computing isn’t the finish line, it’s the launchpad. The road ahead might be a little twisty-turny, but the possibilities are endless. Maybe this article will inspire you to jump on the quantum train too. After all, the mysteries of the quantum realm are waiting to be explored, and with a little dedication and some killer resources, even the trickiest concepts can be cracked, paving the way for some seriously awesome breakthroughs.

Click here to check out Kathie’s article on her first time understanding Quantum Computing!

