Making a Quantum Brain: Chomp Your Way Through Complex Problems

Vidur Jannapureddy
6 min readApr 7, 2024


Photo by Roger Ce on Unsplash

Remember Pac-Man, gobbling up dots and navigating mazes with cunning efficiency? That’s kind of what quantum algorithms are aiming to do but on a much grander scale. Instead of chomping pixels, they’re tackling complex problems in finance, medicine, materials science, and more by leveraging the bizarre rules of quantum mechanics.

Unlike our classical computers that rely on bits (either 0 or 1), quantum computers utilize qubits. These qubits can be in a state of superposition, meaning they can be both 0 and 1 simultaneously. Imagine Pac-Man existing in multiple realities, devouring dots in every path at once! This mind-bending property allows quantum algorithms to explore a vast number of possibilities concurrently, making them incredibly powerful for specific tasks.

What are some examples of these algorithms?

So, what are some of these problem-gobbling algorithms? Here are a few with deeper dives into their functionalities:

Grover’s Algorithm: This algorithm excels at searching for specific items in an unsorted database. Imagine a maze with a hidden power pellet — Grover’s algorithm would find it significantly faster than a classical approach, like Pac-Man randomly exploring every tunnel. Let’s say you’re searching for a particular contact in a phonebook with millions of entries. A classical computer would have to check each entry one by one, a time-consuming process. Grover’s algorithm, however, can cleverly exploit superposition to explore a subset of entries simultaneously, drastically reducing the search time.

Shor’s Algorithm: Encryption keeps our digital world secure, but Shor’s algorithm poses a threat. It can factor large numbers, potentially breaking the encryption codes that safeguard our online transactions. This has spurred research into new, post-quantum cryptography methods. Here’s the analogy: imagine a complex lock on a treasure chest secured by a massive combination. Shor’s algorithm, by manipulating qubits in superposition, can efficiently crack this combination, unlike classical algorithms that would take an impractical amount of time to find the correct sequence. While this has security implications, it also highlights the immense processing power quantum algorithms hold.

Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA): This versatile algorithm tackles optimization problems, where the goal is to find the best possible solution from many options. It’s like finding the most efficient route through a maze filled with power pellets and ghosts (representing both rewards and risks). QAOA works by strategically manipulating qubits to explore different possibilities simultaneously. Imagine you’re a delivery driver with multiple stops and want to find the fastest route. QAOA would consider all traffic conditions, road closures, and potential shortcuts at once, giving you the optimal delivery path.

What work is currently being done in the Quantum Algorithm space?

The field of quantum algorithms is rapidly evolving. Researchers are constantly developing new approaches and refining existing ones. Here are some exciting areas of exploration that expand on the previous points:

Error Correction: Qubits are fragile, prone to errors that can disrupt calculations. Error correction methods are crucial for ensuring the reliability of large-scale quantum computations. Imagine Pac-Man encountering glitches in the maze that mess with his path. Error correction in quantum computing works similarly, by identifying and rectifying errors before they derail the entire computation.

Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing: Combining classical computers with their quantum counterparts is a promising avenue. Classical computers can handle tasks quantum computers struggle with, while the latter tackles specific problem sections with superior speed. Think of it like Pac-Man getting help from a friend who’s good at map reading. The friend (classical computer) can guide Pac-Man (quantum computer) through the maze’s general layout, while Pac-Man’s superior speed allows him to quickly navigate the intricate passages.

Quantum Machine Learning: This burgeoning field utilizes quantum algorithms for machine learning tasks, potentially leading to groundbreaking advancements in areas like drug discovery and materials design. Imagine a Pac-Man who learns from his experiences in the maze, not just gobbling dots randomly. Quantum machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns much faster than classical approaches, leading to more efficient and accurate machine learning models.

What are some potential applications of Quantum Algorithms?

The potential applications of quantum algorithms are vast, and here we delve deeper into the impact they could have:

Drug Discovery: Simulating complex molecules is a major bottleneck in drug development. Quantum algorithms could accelerate this process by accurately modeling how drugs interact with biological systems. Imagine testing thousands of potential drug candidates simultaneously, instead of one by one. This could lead to faster development of life-saving medications.

Materials Science: Designing new materials with specific properties, like superconductors or ultra-strong alloys, often involves complex simulations. Quantum algorithms could revolutionize this field by efficiently simulating material behavior at the atomic level. This could lead to the creation of groundbreaking materials with previously unimaginable properties.

Financial Modeling: Financial markets are complex systems with numerous variables. Quantum algorithms could tackle intricate financial simulations, leading to better risk management and more efficiency.

While a true “quantum brain” capable of surpassing human intelligence remains in the realm of science fiction(for now), quantum algorithms represent a powerful tool for solving problems previously considered intractable. As research progresses, these algorithms have the potential to reshape our world in ways we can only begin to imagine.

The journey towards harnessing the true power of quantum algorithms is much like navigating a complex maze. There will be challenges, errors to correct, and unforeseen obstacles. But with continued collaboration between scientists, engineers, and computer programmers, we can pave the way for a future where quantum computing empowers us to solve some of humanity’s most pressing challenges. So, buckle up, get ready to ditch the trial-and-error approach of the past, and embrace the quantum revolution! The possibilities are as vast and exciting as the unexplored corridors of a maze filled with potential. Let’s grab those power pellets of knowledge and collectively take a quantum leap forward.

This is part 2 of the series on Quantum Algorithms. You can access part 1 of the series by checking out my friend Kathie’s post right here:

