Atelophobia: Symptoms, causes, and 10 Strategies to Overcome

3 min readSep 28, 2023


What is atelophobia?

Atelophobia is a type of phobia that is characterized by a persistent and excessive fear of imperfection. People with this phobia are often very self-critical, very harsh, and have unrealistic expectations. They may get upset about mistakes they’ve made in the past or worried about making them in the future.
People who have atelophobia are really afraid of any kind of imperfection in their lives. It’s like they have a super high standard that they feel like they can never meet.
Sometimes they find it challenging to finish tasks because of their fear of not doing them perfectly, and may also avoid social situations because they are afraid of being judged or humiliated.
This can lead to all sorts of psychological issues, like feeling bad about themselves, being anxious, stressed out, feeling like they’re not good enough, and even depression.

Are Atelophobia and Perfectionism the Same?

Atelophobia and perfectionism are alike in some ways, but they are not exactly the same.
Perfectionism is a personality trait characterized by holding oneself to extremely high standards and striving for flawlessness in all aspects of life. Atelophobia, on the other hand, is a fear of flaws and imperfections that can affect various areas of one’s life, such as work, school, and relationships. Individuals with atelophobia may avoid situations where they feel they could make a mistake, perceiving them as threatening.

‘Atelophobia is a condition that causes individuals to fear making mistakes. Unlike most perfectionists, who tend to respond to stress by working harder, those with atelophobia do not take any action to avoid making mistakes.’

Related:10 Ways to Overcome Perfectionism

What causes atelophobia?


Individuals who display perfectionistic tendencies are more prone to developing atelophobia, and the fear of imperfection. They establish extremely high standards for themselves and may not tolerate any mistakes or perceived flaws.

Related:10 Ways to Overcome Perfectionism

2-Setting unrealistic goals

Establish goals that are objectively unachievable or unrealistically high for yourself, as anything else appears unacceptable.

Related:How To Set Goals and Achieve Them ?

3-Environmental factors :

Atelophobia, a fear of imperfection, can arise due to environmental factors. People who live in highly competitive environments, such as the workplace or school, may feel pressure to be perfect. This pressure can lead to anxiety and contribute to the development of atelophobia.

4-Analyzing past mistakes:

One may often discover themselves fixating on errors made in the past and becoming agitated by situations that have long since passed.

5-Traumatic experiences in childhood:

When children are frequently criticized or punished for their mistakes, it can instill a fear of imperfection in them. This fear can continue into adulthood and hinder their ability to function effectively in society.

6-Genetics problems :

Research has indicated that individuals who possess a family history of anxiety disorders may be more susceptible to developing atelophobia.

What are the symptoms of atelophobia?

Atelophobia can present with a variety of symptoms that differ from person to person, but typical symptoms are:

How to Cope With Atelophobia

There are a variety of ways that can help you manage atelophobia or the fear of imperfection, such as…Read More

