My mind — metaphorically

What’s puzzling my mind

My first impressions of medium

1 min readOct 28, 2013


This is my first article I write in medium. Some would call it a test to check out all the different possibilities and get started — I think of it as a collection of my first impressions. Here we go:

  1. Medium is very very very pretty
  2. It is very easy to get started — just log in with Twitter and you’re done
  3. It’s sleek design and limited formatting possibilities make it easy to focus on the text you write
  4. Commenting specific paragraphs is a nice feature
  5. The text editor is brilliant
  6. The typography is gorgeous
  7. It’s simplicity is motivation enough to write more often
  8. I can’t say anything about social interactions becaus obviously this is my first article and nobody wrote a comment yet
  9. I should have stopped with eight bullet points
  10. Now I have to make another one to make it even again

That were some initial thoughts that popped into my head when I first checked out medium for the first couple of minutes. I hope you share your thoughts with me.

Enjoy the ride and always write as if it was your last story.

