Gas Condensing Boiler — UAE —

4 min readFeb 14, 2022


The temperature of the exhaust gas of a conventional boiler is usually high and a large amount of heat energy is lost in the environment. If both reasonable and ambient temperatures can be restored by adding a holding temperature switch, the efficiency of the boiler can be increased by up to 10%. In this paper, based on the calculation of flame and heat transfer, regenerative heat and power to improve the efficiency of different heat detection systems at different exhaust gas temperatures are expressed by designing calculations.

The recovery period method has been used to evaluate the feasibility of re-insertion of a conventional boiler mounted on a conventional boiler to a detailed heating system. The results show that the lowest temperature of the exhaust gas is 40–55 ° C when a conventional natural gas boiler is fitted to a conventional boiler by simply adding a holding temperature switch. It is possible to use the return water of the heating system as a cooling point for the cooler temperature change because the return temperature varies with the ambient temperature and is lower than the dew point of the water vapor in the fluid in most cases.

Major challenges such as climate change, electricity prices and fuel security have focused on process industries saving energy and improving opportunities. The main objective of this research study was to investigate the technology required to utilize the large amount of low-temperature heat found in a liquid gas coating system through industrial boilers. The technology and use of boilers for industrialization in various heating systems was extensively reviewed.

Gas Condensing Boiler

Since condensers require a specific engineering design, case studies are conducted to investigate whether it is possible (technically and economically) to use conventional boilers in a large regional heating system (40 MW). Studies have shown that by reverting the hidden temperature of water vapor to flue electricity through holding boilers, the entire heating system can reach much higher levels of efficiency than conventional boilers.

In addition to restoring waste heat, conventional boilers can also be upgraded to reduce pollution, especially particle emissions. Two technical barriers to installing steam boils to rust and restore water temperature. Rust-resistant materials are needed to reduce the build-up of boilers. Based on the case study calculator, approximately 4900 m2 of heat transfer area was required, if stainless steel was used as a building material. If the heat exchanger is made of carbon steel, then polypropylene can be used as a rust-resistant covering material outside the tubes.

The addition of polypropylene coating increased the heat resistance of the tube wall, so the required heat transfer area was estimated at 5800 m2. Net Present Value (NPV) statistics show that the choice of carbon steel condenser ensures relatively short refunds (i.e. 2 years) compared to stainless steel condenser. In addition, stainless steel NPV was very sensitive to changes in interest rates.

In this study, the design features of the heat exchanger and boiler were investigated using a simplified model of the temperature changer and boiler , respectively. The specificity of each component of the heat exchanger (e.g., overheating switch (UHE) and low temperature sensor (LHE); coil temperature switch (CHE); baffles) is investigated using a tool, and the overall performance of the test gas boiler was tested. by examination. Improved boiler efficiency was almost 90% when using the most well-designed heat exchangers.

Gas Condensing Boiler

Compared to the standard Bunsen boiler, the thermal efficiency has been improved by about 10%. Additionally, the emissions of NOx and CO were approximately 30 ppm and 160 ppm, respectively, based on 0% of the O2 base at a rating of 0.70, which is a good working condition. However, emissions from advanced boilers are satisfactory considering the performance of the exhaust gas in a conventional boiler, although CO emissions must be reduced.

Conventional boilers using natural gas emit flue gas directed at the atmosphere at 150–200 ° C, which, at such temperatures, contains a large amount of energy and causes low thermal efficiency from 70% to 80%. Although conventional boilers to heat from flue gas were built 40 years ago, their current market share is still less than 25%. The main reason for this slow adoption is the limited improvement in the thermal efficiency of holding boilers. In a condensed boiler, the temperature of the hot water returns from 50–60 ° C, which is used to cool the gas from the flue, very close to the dew point of the water from the flue gas. Therefore, the ambient temperature, most of the waste heat in the flue gas, contained in the water vapor, cannot be detected. This paper introduces a new way to improve thermal efficiency in a boiler by combining suction heat pumps with natural gas-fired boilers . Three configurations are introduced and discussed.

These three settings are in detail to reflect the significant improvements in their thermal efficiency. In addition, for proof of authenticity and validation, a hot-water-absorbing refrigerator is used as a heat pump in operating conditions such as one of the designed configurations. The effectiveness of the entire system and the economic analysis are provided for decision-making and as evidence of potential benefits. These three preparations of provide a way to obtain natural gas boilers that are most effective in the use of high-temperature return fluids or near the dewy surface of the fluid .




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