Chat GPT application in travel and tourism business

5 min readApr 1, 2023


You may have heard the name “ChatGPT” pop up in chats and you may be wondering what it is and how can you use it for your business? Let’s find out together.

What is GPT Chat?

Before learning how ChatGPT can support travel and tourism businesses, let’s answer the question what is chatGPT? ChatGPT is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI that uses deep learning algorithms to generate text. It has been trained on large amounts of data, allowing it to understand and answer a variety of topics and questions. And now, with its integration into content creation, ChatGPT is changing the game for marketers, writers, and content creators.

So how is Chat GPT working? ChatGPT works by predicting the next word in the text based on previous words. The model was trained on a large volume of text, allowing it to generate consistent and contextually relevant responses to different inputs. For example, if you ask ChatGPT about the capital of France, ChatGPT will respond with “Paris”.

Applications of Chat GPT in the travel and tourism industry

1. Content creation support for blogs and social media channels

It can be said that Chat GPT is a game changer for those who want to create engaging, high-quality content. Whether you are a professional content creator or just starting out, ChatGPT has the power to take your content to the next level. Content creators in the field of travel and tourism, what are you waiting for? Start using ChatGPT today and experience the future of content creation! Here are some ways to use GPT chat that you can optimize your content:

  • Summary: It sounds unbelievable, but actually ChatGPT can do this. Just copy a text or article you need and put the command for Chat GPT as follows “please summarize this text for me”. Or you just need to attach the link of the article you need to summarize and put the command as above, Chat GPT can still help you summarize. However, we suggest that you use English. Although Chat GPT can still understand Vietnamese and help you summarize text in Vietnamese, the time it takes for it to complete this can take many times longer than summarizing a text in English, which takes less than 30 seconds.
  • Create content: Whether what you need is a sales article for your fanpage or a 3000-word introduction to interesting destinations in Hanoi, Chat GPT can create it for you. However, we do not encourage you to use this method because it is very likely that the article you create by copying the original content that Chat GPT creates will be penalized by Google. Google looks for articles with unique, fresh content, so AI-generated content is not appreciated. Instead, use the information and arguments in the article created by Chat GPT to add to your article. This helps take your writing to the next level. Of course, don’t forget to check the content that Chat GPT writes, because it may be wrong or too old.
  • Create a keyword list: If you are having a hard time building a set of SEO keywords for your travel website, use Chat GPT. For example, you could query it like this: “Make a list of prominent keywords related to the topic of sustainable tourism”. And the bottom is the answer of Chat GPT
  • Edit and improve content: Chat GPT can do a good job as a grammar and spelling checker. It can absolutely help you improve the quality of your content. In order for the application to be able to GPT Chat in this respect, you can ask it the following questions: Please correct the grammar and spelling errors in this paragraph: [Enter the text of the paragraph here / Enter the article link] , help me organize this paragraph more professionally [Enter paragraph content here/ Enter article link]. With this use, the process of completing an article will be shortened, and the quality of the article will also be significantly improved.
  • Translate content: Unexpectedly, Chat GPT can take on the role of online translation tools like Google Translate. For example, you have an article in English and want to translate it into Vietnamese, just enter the article link or copy the article content and use the command “Help me translate this article from English to Vietnamese” , GPT chat will translate for you. Similarly, you can use Chat GPT as a translation tool for any language. For an industry where language diversity is an important factor to attract customers like Travel-Tourism, this tool will help content creators a lot less.
  • Content Personalization: ChatGPT can personalize content, such as emails and messages, to improve customer engagement and satisfaction. To do this, here are a few commands you should give Chat GPT: “You can create a personalized email for a customer who recently purchased our Da Nang-Hoi An tour. ?”, “Let’s create a personalized post for adventure travelers”,…Here again, I would like to recommend that you use English, because of the content that Chat GPT created in English is not only better but also more diverse and faster than content created in Vietnamese.
  • Format content: ChatGPT can help content creators reformat their content, such as converting messy structured text into logically structured data, helping to save time and effort for content creators. The type of query you can pose to Chat GPT here is: “Can you format this article into a structured data table?”, “Please format the list of tours and information. believe this tour into a table”,….
  • Content recommendations: This is possibly the ChatGPT application that content creators love and need to use the most. ChatGPT can recommend content based on customer interests and behavior, the purpose is to enhance customer experience. For example: “Recommend me content/articles on how to save money when traveling”, “I need articles for tourists who want to experience local culture and save money”, “ Give me a list of 12 social media posts that are suitable for customers who book tours for families, love to go to the beach and have a high income”,…
  • Create a video script: You didn’t read it wrong, if you’re running out of ideas for a TikTok video of the travel agency where you’re working, try asking ChatGPT for help with scripting. You can ask the GPT chat: “Write a fun and friendly script for TikTok based on this [information you provide]” and make it understandable to the tourist group over 40 years old”. Try and see what fun ChatGPT will bring to you.
  • Change the tone of voice: This is another great thing that GPT Chat can do for content creators, but I guess not many people know about it. To take advantage of this, you can pose a question to GPT Chat like this: “Rewrite the content below using the voice of an expert”, “Improve my cold email, by getting it done.” More engaging with audience emotions: Enter email content’’

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