XStake is the world’s first Multi-Cryptocurrency Wallet which is able to stake different coins inside a single wallet!

3 min readJun 18, 2018

About XStake

XStake is the world’s first Multi-Cryptocurrency Wallet which is able to stake different coins inside a single wallet. We want to improve the capabilities of coin staking to broaden the ecosystem and to make crypto assets more accessible and secure for the average user around the world. That’s why our team is dedicated to bring a cutting edge blockchain application not only user friendly but also eco friendly running on Proof-of-Stake mechanism only. XStake has it’s own strategically developed payment system, inspired by professionals focused on constant development to meet all needs of staking and masternode enthusiasts with ambitious and challenging goals to provide a new state of the art platform.

THE XSTK blockchain rewards stakers and masternodes, which ensures a fully decentralized system while providing network services like PrivateSend, InstantSend and a governance system amongst masternode owners. Staking Nodes will get 50% — Masternodes receive 50% of the block rewards for providing high bandwidth, 24/7 connections and basic requirements for further XSTK features such as Atomic Swaps and more. Furthermore the masternodes will host and manage the decentralized ecosystem and enable Atomic Swaps between different blockchains in the near future, including the use of the Lightning Network in the near future.

Coin Info

Name: XStake

Coin Ticker: XSTK

Coin Type: PoS+MN

Rewards: MN 50% | PoS 50%

Total Supply: 50 000 000

Block Time: 60 Seconds

Block Reward: 10 XSTK MasterNode Collateral: 5 000


based on actual data over the past 24 hours


Main Features

Multi-Currency Staking Wallet — Stake multiple coins inside a single wallet! Trustless Proof of Stake (TPoS) — allows users to safely and conveniently stake their XSTK coins in a cold storage, while at the same time producing new blocks for the XSTK blockchain NodeZ — All-in-One Masternode Client incl. one-click masternode setup with UI Our exclusive one-click masternode hosting service provides full masternode setup support and setup, paid with XSTK! The goal is for any investor to be able to launch a masternode without technical knowledge and without stress. Our infrastructure will be hosted at Tier 1 providers only to guarantee a redundant and scalable blockchain service environment. Our StakeZ Multi-Wallet will be developed with a wide range of functions to improve the process of tracking, analyzing, and controlling all your different coins and rewards while also help to maintain a clean insight through all your assets.

Official Links

Official Website: https://xstake.net/
Xplorer: http://xplorer.xstake.net/
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/x_stake
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/MfuHP7q
Telegram: https://t.me/xstake
WHITEPAPER: https://github.com/xstake/whitepaper/blob/master/xstake-whitepaper-v1.pdf
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4476287


Download Wallets: https://github.com/xstake/xstk/releases/tag/0.9.1 Masternode Setup Guide: https://github.com/xstake/masternode-setup-guide/blob/master/Masternode-Setup.md
Masternode Setup Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=174&v=EgrBq-VPhNM


MNZone: http://xstake.mn.zone/
Masternode.Online: https://masternodes.online/currencies/XSTK/

Bitcointalk usename: MrKubeem
Bitcointalk Link:

XSTK address: XMxQoq8C9GQwZetu86cXA6czfb3j8aWqmp

#staking #pos #cryptocurrency #blockchain




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