The Triangle

Vignesh Jeyaraman
5 min readJan 29, 2023


Once upon a time, high in the Himalayas, there was a mystical place that no one knew about. It was called The Triangle, a paradise on earth that defied all human laws and norms. The people living there considered it to be the home of the gods, safeguarded from the rest of the world to protect the earth from the apocalypse.

The Triangle was a sight to behold. Angels were said to bathe in its rivers, and the fruits and water had special powers that kept those who consumed them healthy and wise. The rivers were so clear that one did not need a mirror, and their taste was said to be divine. The water was believed to keep the tribe people immortal.

The Triangle was surrounded by massive mountains, each representing a different season, and the creatures that lived there coexisted in harmony, helping one another. Children played with animals as if they were their own kind, even riding on tigers and racing with each other. Death by drowning was unknown in The Triangle, as the fish gave the people the power to swim underwater without running out of breath.

The sunrises and sunsets in The Triangle were breathtaking, bringing life and color to the land. With each sunrise, the fruits and vegetables grew, and at sunset, the stars filled the sky, making The Triangle glow beautifully. The peace in the air was palpable at night, as all living things went to sleep, and the place was calm and still.

The Triangle was protected by 20 people, the last of the gods, who kept their existence a secret from the rest of the world to protect it from humanity’s greed and desire for power. They knew that if the world were to discover The Triangle, it would be destroyed, just as the earth was being destroyed by human hands.

And so, The Triangle remained hidden, hidden heaven on earth, where life was different, and the laws of life were vastly different from the rest of the world.

The Triangle — Beginning of a war

The Tribe of the Triangle lived in a hidden world, unknown to humans. They looked like humans but had unique abilities, including control over their senses and the ability to grow back damaged body parts. Their leader, Rudra, had unique power and because of that he is called destructor and creator and he had gained mastery over it through years of practice.

Rudra had a son, Baku, who was a five-year-old mischief-maker. Despite his young age, he was as strong as any adult in the tribe and had special powers of his own. Everyone in the tribe loved Baku and was entertained by his mischievous antics, like stealing food from homes and getting away with just a smile.

One day, while the tribe was on a walk for their daily rituals, they heard a crying sound. To their surprise, they found a human child, a one-year-old girl. The tribe believed that humans were not allowed in their world, and some members suggested killing the girl for fear of her being a threat. However, Rudra, who believed in protecting all life, took the girl in and named her Naria after his sister.

Rudra raised Naria alongside Baku and taught both children fighting skills and gave them a purpose in life. Baku and Naria grew up to be powerful warriors and protected the tribe with their unique abilities and strong bond.

Baku and Naria are both skilled in their own ways and trained together every day to become better warriors. Baku is now 25, while Naria is 21.

One day, as Naria was practicing her skills, Baku was watching her and couldn’t help but admire her beauty. Her green eyes shone like pebbles, her red lips were soft, and her smile was so heart-melting that Baku realized he was falling in love with her. However, he didn’t have the courage to express his feelings toward her.

A few days later, Naria heard a mysterious voice while practicing, but she didn’t see anyone when she followed it. She thought it was just a dream and went back home. The next day, while Naria was trying to learn the skill of walking on water, she heard the voice again and fell into the water. With the help of her friend, Molly the fish, she was able to reach the surface and follow the voice to the place where she was found when she was just one year old. She screamed out to the voice, but no one answered. The voice faded away, and Naria ran back home.

That night, Naria heard the voice again, this time in her dream. The voice said, “Come to me, we need to talk. It is the time we all were waiting for.” Naria was shivering, sweating, and crying, and Baku, who was sleeping next to her, woke her up. He held her hand and comforted her, saying, “I am here for you. No one can touch you when I am around.” This was the first time Naria noticed Baku’s blue eyes and she instantly fell in love with him. They shared their first kiss that night.

It was like two stars had finally met, and they didn’t understand what was happening. They moved away from each other, and Baku expressed his feelings for Naria for the first time. Naria smiled but didn’t say anything. Baku knew that she felt the same way for him.

And so, their love story began, filled with adventures, challenges, and lots of love. They supported each other through thick and thin and proved that true love knows no bounds.

Naria and Baku were in love and their relationship was growing stronger every day. However, fate had something different in store for them. One day, when Naria was roaming around accidentally she went to the place where she was found as a baby. She heard the voice again, but this time she didn’t run away. Instead, she screamed out, “Who are you? Why are you calling me? Come face me. I am alone here and no one is around me.” Suddenly, Naria saw a bright light, like a portal. It seemed like someone was trying to enter the Triangle but was being prevented from doing so. Naria was shocked to see herself in the portal, but it was a version of herself from a time she was not aware of. The voice screamed at her and her future self spoke, “This is the time we have been waiting for. This is why we sent you to the Triangle.” Naria was stunned to find out that she was adopted. The voice had a message for her, but what could it be? Naria was filled with anticipation and fear as she wondered what her future held.

Next, what she heard made her shiver to the core. The voice said.

They all have to die, kill them, kill them all and make us proud. We are waiting…………. We are counting on you princess…… WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU

If you enjoyed reading it. Here is the second part



Vignesh Jeyaraman

Engineer by profession. Love to write about random stuff sometime write geeky stuff 🤪