Javascript based E2E test framework — Codeceptjs — Part I — Basics

Vigneshwar Vijayaraghavan
4 min readMay 17, 2018


Selenium is the most widely used library for UI-based E2E automation and there are many frameworks available based on it.

Some of the popular E2E frameworks are,

Nunit, SpecFlow (BDD-driven) → C#

capybara, rspec → Ruby

TestNG, Cucumber (BDD-driven) → Java

codeceptjs, testcafe, protractor → Javascript

Codeceptjs is one of the promising framework, that can be used for automation and that’s what we are gonna dig deep in this article.

Any automation framework needs the following things as mandate,

  • Element Identification (selectors / locators)
  • Parallelism
  • Categorization / segregation
  • Debugging
  • Reporting
  • CI Integration
  • Support

We will see how codeceptjs contributes towards all these aspects in part II.

For now, initiate a project and get into a little action.

Into the codeceptjs

Codeceptjs website and github page,

Codeceptjs modules

→ CLI — to initiate a project, to generate test, to run tests

→ codecept.json — config for codeceptjs

→ pages / tests — to maintains page objects and test files

→ helpers — to choose more relative webdriver tools like protractor, puppeteer, webdriverIO


Install npm on your machine

Install selenium-standalone, codeceptjs npm packages (install globally)

Setting up selenium-server

Codeceptjs needs selenium server to manage browsers / webdrivers. By using this option from codeceptjs, gives us some leverage to go either with selenium-standalone or selenium grid

install and run commands — selenium-standalone

selenium-standalone install

selenium-standalone start

run commands — selenium-grid

selenium-standalone start — -role hub

selenium-standalone start — -role node -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register

The install command installs chrome, firefox-gecko and some other drivers in the system

The run command are in two forms, either standalone / grid, use respective commands

Now, you have a selenium server up and running.

Preparing codeceptjs project

codeceptjs has CLI, which quickens the onboard process

cd to your project folder, then do the below

type codeceptjs init → will ask the path for tests and pages, ask for project name and helpers to use (webdriverio / puppeteer / protractor — will look into this in part II), for now select webdriverio

type codeceptjs gt → to generate tests (provide some testcase name)

Now, you have a test project to run on selenium-server

Creating your first test

Once you have created the test with your codecept CLI, it will have a basic skeleton for a test

template of newly generated test

Consider “Feature”s as test class and “Scenario”s as test case

Feature → accepts text as param to name the test class / to categorize your tests

Scenario Name → 1. Accepts text for test case name

2. Accepts object as param for data driven tests

I → Codeceptjs calls it as “Actor”, since it holds all core functions to it. I is something similar to driver object, what we usually see in selenium.

Below mentioned, is the sample for a test case,(code should go inside scenario)


I.fillField(‘#username’, ’codeceptjs’);

I.fillField(‘#password’, ’123456’);‘Login’);



The action methods from I looks more BDD-driven. In part II, we can cover more about using codecept’s action methods.

Running your test

Once you have prepared your test scenario, use codeceptjs’ CLI to run your tests

cd to your project

codeceptjs run [filename.js]

add option — debug to get step by step output in console

Things to look forward in next part of this article,

How codeceptjs handles the must need features of any “E2E automation framework”

Grep-ping your test based on categories / names and running segmented tests

More into, assert | navigate | locate action methods

Extending your tests via page objects / dependency injection / step files

Support me and tell me your suggestions to improve the upcoming articles.

