Wielding Valyrian Steel: Decoding the Dance of Battles, Deaths, and Survival

4 min readDec 19, 2023


Let me share my personal experience to start with, I was utterly captivated by the mythical series Game of Thrones during my teenage years. It was a world filled with dragons, magic, and political intrigue.

One gloomy evening, while exploring the entertainment store, I stumbled upon a digital book titled “The Chronicles of Westeros: An Untold Tale.” To my surprise, the pages were filled with rows and columns of Raw_data with domain knowledge; it was further transformed into a cleansed one.

There, I found, beyond swords and dragons lies, a dataset teeming with characters, houses, and many attributes. In this blog, we delve into the numbers, the plots, and the mysteries, uncovering creative insights that breathe life into the realm of Westeros.

The Chessboard of Westeros

In the vast realm of Westeros, where political warfare is woven into everyday life, battles often serve as pivotal moments. The dataset, encompassing various attributes related to characters and their fates, presents a fascinating representation for analysis using PredictEasy.

1. The Influence of House Affiliation on Survival

  • As we delve into the dataset, we notice a nuanced correlation between house affiliation and the probability of survival. Characters from noble houses have a higher likelihood of survival compared to those without noble status. Could this be a testament to the protective shield provided by noble houses in the unforgiving terrain of Westeros?
Influence of houses (PredictEasy)

2. Age as a Determinant of Survival

  • The data suggests that age plays a crucial role in characters’ survival. Younger characters have a higher chance of staying alive compared to their older counterparts. Does this reflect the harsh reality of a world where youth often translates to resilience and adaptability?
significance of age attribute(PredictEasy)

3. Marital Status and Its Impact on Mortality

  • Marriage in the Game of Thrones universe is a social contract and a survival strategy. Married Characters demonstrate a higher likelihood of surviving the tumultuous events of Westeros. The alliance forged through marriage becomes a shield against the perils of political machinations and warfare.
Pairwise Grid with insight(PredictEasy)

4. Popularity and Its Influence on Fate

  • The dataset reveals an interesting connection in a world where popularity is often synonymous with influence. Characters deemed popular by the narrative enjoy a higher chance of survival. Is this a reflection of narrative favoritism or an acknowledgement of the audience’s attachment to certain characters?
Correlation and Emphasis of popularity attribute(PredictEasy)

5. The Impact of Dead Relations on Survival Instinct

  • Characters with a significant number of dead relations face a harsh reality, and loss and tragedy are recurrent themes in their lives. The dataset hints at a correlation between the number of dead relations and the character’s probability of survival. Does grief and loss become a driving force or a harbinger of doom?
Crucial factors and Top contributing attributes(PredictEasy)

Deciphering the Game of Thrones Algorithm

As we navigate through the labyrinth of battles, deaths, and survival in Westeros, the dataset offers a glimpse into the intricate web of correlations that dictate the fate of characters. Each attribute contributes to the grand survival algorithm, from house affiliations to marital status, age, popularity, and the shadows of dead relations.

In the Game of Thrones, where uncertainty reigns supreme, this analysis provides a creative lens through which we can interpret the dynamics of life and death. As we await the next twist in the tale, the dataset remains a treasure chest, offering insights into the enigmatic dance of survival in the land where winter is always coming.

