Don’t just land-up in any job, it is easier to find your high growth career than you think

Teju Nageswari
3 min readJun 16, 2018


Did you know it is much easier to find your personal high growth career than going about finding any job. Don’t just take my word for it, here is the proof for the same.

A personal high growth career is the one in which you are more likely to grow faster, perform better and feel happier.

How does one find a personal high growth career ? In our research at nSmiles working on Lakhs of data of Engineering and MBA graduates found that an individual’s high growth career is at the intersection of ones innate strengths & interests, current competencies and its map to employability skills and an individuals career values.

Personal high growth career

Find your innate strengths

These are the areas you are naturally talented in, you are likely to perform better than your peers and find enough motivation to deep learn.

Most of the top performers understand their interests and focus on capitalising own strengths. The awareness further paves the path to invest and specialise in the fields that suit them.

Over 85% of people working in roles that very often leverage their innate strengths confirmed to feel much more happier and career success compared to others.

With right tools it is easy to identify interest areas and own strengths across each domain.

Explore your competencies

Knowing current competencies prepares you much better for your ‘dream’ job. Engineering and MBA students that were getting ready for a job, 78% of the students who had discovered their competencies we found were more focused on where they need to train on and helped them pick up quality internships. Further the motivation to complete these trainings and internship was far higher than the peers as it was leading toward the purpose of finding their high growth job.

Over 40% of the students also reported it helped them consider careers they had never thought about before.

You will be pleasantly surprised to identify the skills you already bring to a job. This is a must do to help you write something more personal and detail in your resume.

Your personal well-being

Designing a career that fits your personality type is an important step towards building a successful and productive career.

Understanding your personality, competencies and wellbeing will help you identify career paths that fit who you are and put you on a path of high growth.

Career values help you understand what to look forward in any job that you choose to ensure a happier and content career.

Get your personalised high-growth career options by taking this simple assessment.



Teju Nageswari

Co-founder & CEO -, 100 Most Impactful Healthcare Leaders. Passionate about nurturing mental wellbeing to help people live a happier and fuller life