This exam season, your child needs emotional support

Teju Nageswari
3 min readMar 31, 2018


If you kids are preparing for various competitive exams, it is high stress for both you as parents and the child. Performance in these competitive exams is important as they are the game-changers and decide the career path in your child’s life. Parents and children who are preparing are under huge pressure and stress.

Every child practices, prepares and do all needed to excel. However, on the day of exam, their ability to manage their stress and perform is the major deciding factor.

Whilst few manage to perform under stress and become high achievers that grab the headlines, for many its still a challenging uptask.

Here are few factors that may impact your kids performance during preparation

  • Comparing with others, who does better than them, and believing that they are inferior, and not good enough.
  • Lack of structure to study time/habits.
  • Fear of failure in the exam
  • Burnout — Trying to do too much without recognize when it is time to work, and when it is time to rest.
  • Stress — Not knowing how to handle stress and perform under pressure.
  • Lack of interest in subject(s) to read or practice.
  • Sleeping less or more during the exams.
  • Skipping nutritious meals or eating junk food.
  • Not having good study rituals.
  • Procrastination

Here are the factors that impact their performance on the day of exam

  • Having negative thoughts while in exam often around failure.
  • Physical sensations like palpitations, dizziness, dry mouth, stomach upset.
  • Getting nervous after seeing the paper
  • Going blank while answering.
  • Having difficulty recalling information.
  • Not knowing how to handle stress
  • Feeling anxious as the exam progresses.
  • Unable to concentrate while in exam.
  • Having wandering thoughts during exam.

Do you want to your child

  • Overcome fear of failure and aspire for more?
  • Know best techniques for performance under pressure?
  • Improve confidence in owns abilities?
  • Remain calm and relaxed?
  • Increase concentration and alertness?
  • Take tests and exams with more confidence?
  • Retain more information in less time?
  • Eliminate test-taking anxiety?
  • Improve test scores naturally?
  • Let go of unnecessary distractions?
  • Develop effective study rituals?
  • Improve ability to recall information?
  • Stop second-guessing answers?
  • Stop being obsessed with the clock?
  • Perform well in exams they have failed in the past?
  • Stay focused, so you can benefit from your studying?
  • Manage your stress at the time of exam and focus better

Knowing the right techniques which can work for them to relax and focus during preparation can help them with techniques to relax and focus while taking exam.

You can discover the same using — a free tool that would take just about 5 to 7 minutes to know the stress profile and get personalised recommendations.

Happy being app provides 50+ techniques to relax and relieve in less than 5 mins. As your child uses the app, he/she will be equipped with different mind techniques that can be used to relax and perform well in exam.

15 mins of champion mind workouts for positivity everyday can help your kid be confident, overcome fear of exam and be able to perform under pressure.



Teju Nageswari

Co-founder & CEO -, 100 Most Impactful Healthcare Leaders. Passionate about nurturing mental wellbeing to help people live a happier and fuller life