GSoC 2024 with OpenMRS : Week 08

Vijay KV
2 min readJul 21, 2024

The eight week of coding started on the 15th of Jul 2024. As usual, I will be talking about how the eight week of coding went. The week 07 blog post can be read here. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing the experience of my Eigth week in GSOC 2024.

This week was I focussed on adding the tutorials, but I consider this as not well productive week as I was quite busy with college things.

The first tutorial that was planned goes into patient registration, but for having an tutorial setup with the home page to the patient registration page, I’ve faced multiple issue on doing that do that.

Issues I’ve faced :

The element which renders the register patient icons also renders on other pages. so calling the patient registration walkthrough will call those elements even if the Icon for it doesn’t exists.

So I came up with something to navigate to the respective tutorial page and show the tutorials after that while this have a disadvantage of having multiple steps in different pages.

Current approach

Well, this is not considered to be good way of handling tutorials, need to figure out someway to solve the above issue of…

