GSoC 2024 with OpenMRS : Week 12

Vijay KV
2 min readAug 18, 2024

The journey over these past three months has been filled with a range of emotions, and I’m excited to share the finale of my GSoC period with you.

From coffee break calls, GSoC social hours, O3 calls, and mentor meetings to writing code, documenting features, and raising PRs, this period has been an immensely joyful experience. Each moment has contributed to a rich and rewarding adventure that I will cherish forever. 🥲

On the final week, I had done my last touch up to the project. I got the PRs merged for Patient lists, start visit and capture vitals tutorials. I also updated the tooltip design PR as per the UI we discussed over our weekly call.

I hoped in the UI/UX design call and Paul said that he will give an feedback about contents for the workflows of the steps and also for the design.

I also written a structured Guide for implementers in order to add new tutorials or update the existing one.

Before I conclude this blog, I must express my heartfelt gratitude. To my mentors, Both Piumal and Jayasanka your guidance has been invaluable. To my fellow contributors and community members, your support and interest have kept me motivated every step of the way. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity.

