Flipkart, Amazon and Snapdeal Premium Services

Vijay Sankar
1 min readOct 18, 2016

The Trio in Indian eCommerce market — Flipkart, Amazon and Snapdeal have been struggling to keep its marketshare and vouch for new customers. Recently, each had discount sales season under the name of Flipkart Big Billion Day, Amaon Grand Shopping Festival, Snapdeak Unbox and what not. The Indian companies, Flipkart and Snapdeal have been struggling to keep their game up against the giant, Amazon. Though being a cost-conscious value-for-money market, these eCommerce giants are trying to vow prospective customers with an additional offering — premium services that offers various additional features such as faster delivery, guaranteed quality and access to exclusive deals.

In the blog post — Flipkart Assured against Amazon Prime — how do they stack up?, we look into how these players are crafting their strategy around premium services like Flipkart First, or Assured and Amazon Prime.

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