Viji Amirtha A M
2 min readJul 11, 2017


A famous quote by Lord Buddha, “We are what we think, all that we are arises with our thoughts, with our thoughts we make the world.”

I strongly believe is whatever happens in our life is the one which we have already thought of in our mind. There are people who think, I wish this doesn’t happen…. and BOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!! that is the thing happens as you thought so. Instead of thinking what not, think what we want in our life to happen. We are surely the result of what we have thought of and mind, our mind is the is everything, we become what our mind thinks of.

Has it occurred in your life I wish this doesn’t happen, and yes it has and has ruined the entire scenario and you keep cursing that it shouldn’t have happened when you are the reason that happened. Remember what you are today is the fruit of what you have pictured yourself in your mind.

A research says, our mind can never take “NO” it doesn’t understand the word “NO”. Any kind of no from isn’t, don’t,can’t,wouldn’t,won’t, shouldn’t or any kind of no & not is not accepted, why not think of:

  • I would like to be __________________
  • I want _____________
  • I desire to be like ________________
  • I wish this happens ____________________
  • I am a/an _______________________

Somewhere our mind & our will power goes hand in hand. I worked as a teacher for a year teaching grade three kids, we all played a game, the game was:

Let us all imagine that we are having our favorite flavored ice cream with all the delicious toppings which we love. Let us close our eyes and imagine savoring our ice creams, and how it feels. The challenge here is you are not supposed to express it to anyone that you want to have ice cream, if your mind and will power is strong enough , you will attract the ice cream towards you just like a magnet which attracts metals. In case you get what you desired for, you kids owe your teacher a potluck party by Friday.

Believe you in me, out of twenty kids, there were sixteen kids who gave me potluck party.

What you think is what you do, what you do is what you become.




Viji Amirtha A M

Live life in such a way that your presence and absence are felt and nothing can REPLACE it…