1 min readSep 29, 2020


The values of military training are very great. In almost all countries of the west, regular military training to the young has become a regular feature of the national life. In an emergency or critical situation when the security of the people is in danger, the students come forward to defend the country. The N.C.C. in India is going to fulfil the long-felt military needs of the students with the motto of UNITY AND DISCIPLINE. The Education Commission has suggested that the recruitment and the training of N.C.C. should receive great attention from the Defence Department. The National Cadet Corps consists of two divisions.

(a) Junior Divisions for boys and Junior Wing for girls in the High Schools. It comprises three Units of Army, Navy and Air Force.

(b) In Colleges Senior Division and Senior Wings of N.C.C. functions.

Even i got the chance to join N.C.C in our college and successfully completed my adventurous and memorable training of three years with joy

I feel happy that i took part in one of the largest youth organisation of india.

